Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Christmas with Lyme, 2015

Christmas with Lyme, 2015

Chrismas this year was mercurial, and I learned once more of my new limitations.
I went to spend time with my extended family for Christmas Eve for a dinner, games and yes, there were drinks.

I was able to eat some items from the veggie platter provided, but I brought my own "junk".
Sparkling mineral water, an almond flour crust pizza )topped with wilted swiss chard, onion, sauce and bell peppers), goat cheese, Tamarind (this is my new candy!!) , Goji Berries and some cookies my guy made me with almond butter and ginger.

I ate to the fullest, and had bits on which to nibble, and everyone celebrated the transition to Winter.
I made my little neice a shell necklace to wear, and I am the "bad" aunt who always seems to find some way to sneak in an early gift.

I found my Mother and my cousin dancing to the trans Siberian orchestra in the study, and my grandmother sat at the table with her circle of aging friends.

The rest of the family were eating, drinking, playing games and talking amongst eachother.
"Would you like a glass of wine?", someone had asked.

My LLMD's cautioning words blazed through my mind, "Absolutely no alcohol..."

I didn't think a glass of dry, red wine would harm me.

I drank about a half a glass through out the night. Barely any. I felt unusually buzzed.
I am not on any antibiotic beside the herbs, so I assumed it wasn't an interaction.

Upon returning home, I had some awesome sleep, and then I woke up the next day, Christmas morning, with a hang over from Hell. It felt as if I'd drank a gallon of wine rather than a half a glass.
I was dizzy and nauseous, and in pain. I was in a state of disbelief, and almost didn't attend the Christmas day family event.

A few iburofen and a piece of a cannabis edible later, and I was feeling well enough to go. My nausea, head ache and hang over feeling were all relieved.

Had it not been for that edible, I would not have had Christmas.
Due to my strong reaction to alcohol, I will forever remember to abstain.

The science behind my reaction was the alcohol helping the Lyme spirochetes cross the blood/brain barrier (or so I've read) and the multitudes of sugars in just a few sips, even.

I am STILL beating myself up for infringing on my own health for a few sips of booze. Not a just trade off.

We live and we learn, I suppose.

After Christmas, I started to research Cannabis and it's links to helping treat Lyme, which if one takes the time, it's very interesting to read.

Some links point to Marijuanna as an antibiotic and antibacterial agent, and other links point to it as an anti inflammatory and anti pain medicine.

I have also read that it weakens the immune system, and that if used, the non psychoactive cannabinol oil is what should be consumed orally.

I do not seeing regular Marijuanna usage being good for the nuero effects of Lyme, making forgetfulness and laziness a great deal worse, when both lethargy and remembering things is an issue.

I do see occasional, minimal Marijuanna use (only edible, never smoking) as beneficial for a plethora of Lyme symptoms including loss of appetite, pain reliever, nausea reliever and insomnia.

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