Monday, March 14, 2016

Immunity Supressant Detected:

March 2016

A few months ago, I had come down with an abnormal Pap Smear, which I contributed to Lyme, as I've been contributing everything to Lyme lately.

This is something I need to work on not doing anymore, as everything certainly isn't Lyme related.

I went through two biopsy's and colposcopy procedures, which are horribly uncomfortable pelvic examinations, only to receive a new phone call from my Gynecologist, explaining to me that I have a CIN 4, and that I need to have a LEEP procedure done immediately.

A LEEP procedure is when they chisel off a larger piece of the cervix to examine it and test it for a multitude of things, including Cancerous cells.

There is something going on in my reproductive system that is slowing my progress with Lyme treatment down, as whatever it is is weakening my immune system.

I pray that it isn't Cancer, but I do know that even if it is, it will be easy to treat due to how quickly it's been caught and it's place in my body.

The worst thing I could do right now is worry, so I continue on with my head held high.

I wonder what all of this means for a person with Lyme.

Will the healing processes of any of this possibly make the Lyme worse?

Only time will tell.

Although I have minor anxiety about this, I am remaining focused on maintaining a positive and stress free environment while my body continues to fight.

Keep me in your prayers/kindest thoughts/meditations, Loves.

March 2016...Return of the throat thing...

March 2016

Return of the "Throat Thing"

With March comes more sunlight, nicer weather, and a greater opportunity for exercising outdoors.
In the last few weeks, I've been hiking again and bicycling regularly and without an issue. I've aso been lucky enough to do floor aerobics regularly in my home wthout any major physical hindrance.

I was symptom free for days, and then I started to get a very slight arthritic pain in my left hand again, and a little pain in my knee caps. This comes and goes.

Then, as I was falling asleep one night, I started having really intense dreams that were so intense that I had to sit up fast. It was like right before falling asleep, I'd start to dream and see a face or an object, and then it felt like it was coming alive, right out of my head.

These visions scared me enough to make me jump up out of bed.

What's even more interesting, is that everytime I've ever had this sensation with Lyme, I also started to get the dreaded "Throat Thing".

The Throat Thing is a sensation almost like you forget how to swallow, or like you can't swallow.

It makes your anxiety peak at sky high rates, because you feel like you can't swallow, but you actually can.

Due to it's reaction to anti inflammatory's, I believe that this is the throat swelling due to die off.

Kind of like a Herxheimer reaction.

Instead of using Ibuprofen to lesson the affects of this, I started using Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine 500 mgs by Pure Encapsulations. It works wonderfully as an anti inflammatory agent.

The good news about this round of the Throat Thing, is that it was much less intense than before which means that slowly but surely, this holistic take on Lyme treatment is working.