Monday, November 2, 2015

Candida Tongue Check, after one month of treatment.

My tongue, during the first week
of treatment
One of the most common physical characteristics of Candida Albicans
is a stereotypical white coat on the tongue. It is a form of Thrush, just
like infants get. 
As you can see from the photo of my tongue up top, my visual yeast was
geared more toward the back of my tongue, and not very severe.
I have seen other people's photos online, and even some people I know
that I now realize have severe Candida from their tongues, and mine is mild
in comparison.
What I find interesting, is that one of my Candida symptoms when it was
starting to get bad on the Lyme antibiotics, was sore throat.
Here, we see the yeast growing on the back of my tongue, toward my throat.
it would make sense if these two aspects were connected to each other.
Regimen: Oral Nystatin, Hydration, Bentonite Clay, Probiotic,
Probiotic Yogurt, Alchornea Leaf tincture and the SCD modified version of diet for Candida
as well as TONS of home made Probiotic yogurt and Raw Milk.
My tongue after one month of Candida Treatment
Did you notice how pink and healthy it looks!!!?? I can see a major difference
from one image to the next. There still appears to be a little of the film left, but I am still
going to be treated for three more months after this.
As for symptoms, I have had no sore throat, no head aches, no major mood swings and only minor fog brain. All in all, I  feel as though what I am doing is working.
I can't wait to see what it looks like after the entire four months!!!
Will post final results!!!


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