Monday, April 11, 2016

More April News 2016

With the shadow that Lyme can sometimes create in one's life also opens a new door for positive things to enter as well.

I have been blessed to be able to start working again, at this point in my recovery.

I wanted to work outdoors, so then I'd be able to get sunshine and exercise to boost my immune system. I took up a job in landscaping, and I also do some foraging.

A woman I know from the writer's guild said, "You are SO brave to go back out there."

I answered, "If I didn't, then that would mean defeat."

She went on to say that nature had defeated me by passing on Lyme to me.

I am still alive. I am still functioning. I am still here.

Obviously, I am not defeated.

My future is so very uncertain, though.

Another woman from my weekly writer's guild meeting said that she knew someone who had Lyme. And that I was so lucky it was caught early, because the person she knows is messed up for life.

This made such anxiety rise in me, as I do so wonder if I'll ever end up like that.

If the Lyme will come out of remission and swallow me whole in my old age. If I'll die alone and homeless because of it.

I also have a job instructing art lessons in my home which will work well while I heal up, and be rewarding.

At work, I found out that both my employer and my coworker are plagued by Lyme as well.

The coworker, B., had not yet been treated with antibiotic. He had gone to many natural doctors, and said that he still suffers with many debilitating symptoms. Even after using Colloidal Silver. His diet also remains the same.

Then, the employer, D., said that she had gotten two courses of antibiotic treatment, and had to go through two rounds of treatment.

She believes she is now in remission, and she said that she believes that she has many health issues currently that have sprouted from Lyme disease. She is being treated by a holistic doctor for her issues.

How insane is it that everyone I run into seems to have or knows someone that has Lyme, and yet there is no easily accessible treatment??

This absolutely baffles and enrages me.

I have so many feelings on the subject, that I become overwhelmed.


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