Monday, April 11, 2016

I was hitting a very low point this month, and I went to MD Junction to the Lyme support forum.

There, I have been told an array of things.

Lyme can be cured. Someone knows someone that has been cured already from Lyme and is living fine. We just have to let our bodies heal, and get it strong enough to without the Lyme. Dont believe everything you read on the internet.

Lyme cannot be cured. I am definitely Chronic. I will have to be on medicine for life. That very few even obtain remission, and none stay there. The longest they've heard if 15 years tops.

On other threads, I have read about people being fine for twenty years or longer, and that some people stay there for life.

SO many opposing ideas, beliefs and stories out there. I do so wonder if anyone really even knows anything about any of it.

I know that I want to get better, and that I do not want to be on medication forever, and live in the constant fear of coming in and out of remission for the rest of my life.

I am going to put my intentions in my words, and do all that I can to make my wants realities.

I want to live to be very old, and I don't want this disease dictating my life span or hindering my quality of life.

I am currently seeking out a local support group, as the online groups seem to be full of a million people with a million different views.

I wish there was any kind of certainty.


  1. Hope your feeling much better and 2017 is a radiantly healthy one for you.

    1. Thanks Maddo!
      I am currently in my seventh month in remission.
      2017 has indeed been radiantly healthy. <3
