Thursday, October 22, 2015

A 5300 year old Mummy with Lyme?

Apparently there have been many sources that say that Otzi the Iceman, a 5300 year old frozen mountain man, carried Borrelia burgadorferi.

It is said that they found a diseased tick carrying the disease with him, petrified in a Jurassic Park- Style piece of amber.

If this is true, it makes my post on Plum Island now look like a complete load of lunacy, which it could very well be.

But, couldn't we make another conspiracy from this entire thing as well?

The media is being manipulated by our government swaying the masses to believe that Lyme is ancient rather than newfound, so then the rising Lyme epidemic can no longer be blamed on them for their heinous unleashing of animal projects on the Island.

The media has never been used to control common belief or opinion, like, ever.

Otzi the Mummy is real, his Lyme disease, farfetched, as a diversion from the truth.


That was my initial conspiracy jab. Anyone else out there got one? I'd love to hear your take.

The thing about truth is that there are multiple truths, as truth can be subjective compared to fact. There is a difference.

Interestingly enough, Otzi was also found carrying a satchel.

In this satchel there was an item I had happened to cover in a previous post.

>>>>>>>Drum Roll Inserted Here

Chaga Mushroom. (Tada!!!)

The plot thickens.

Experts say that he probably used the Chaga for firewood, because Chaga has many layers and would probably burn for a long time. Others think that Otzi knew more of his ailment and more of the Chaga itself, and that perhaps he was using it to treat himself.

Maybe he did not know it was Lyme disease exactly, but he felt the intense joint pain and sought physical refuge by using the Chaga as medicine.

The answer to all of these wonderings lie suspended in time, blocked in an eternal mystery.

We will never know what happened then. Or the truth about any shred of it.

We are limited in any actual recording of history, simply because we have not the capability to
witness it for ourselves.

 Otzi's secrets lie dormant, beneath the layers of ice and snow, frozen for the duration.

Good night, Dear Reader.

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