Thursday, October 22, 2015

Water source and Lyme/ Candida

Dear Reader,

I am writing today concerning water sources and how they could possibly affect both Lyme and Candida in a negative manner.

City water carries a multitude of things that can reduce your bodies immune system's ability to fight Lyme and can increase Candida's growth.

Heavy metals and toxins such as Fluoride can stop you from progressing in your attempts to heal yourself. They weaken the immune system, and make it harder for your liver to flush out toxins.

These things are often in our drinking and bathing water. It is even more harmful for one to bathe in the toxins than it is for one to drink them.

Chlorine and Chloramines kill the good gut flora that people are trying to pump back into themselves with probiotic, and one simply can't heal while ingesting these things.

People say, oh get a water filter. I did my research. The best filters are whole house filters which turn your water into Reverse Osmosis water. But there have been many studies showing that Reverse Osmosis water cannot be lived on. It is deficient in minerals. Even with ionizing the water afterwards, It cannot be lived on for life. These whole house filters are very costly, and only serve as a temporary fix.

As for individual filters, there are a million of them at varied prices, but absolutely none that get rid of ALL of the Chlorine. It is impossible for a shower.

You can pay hundreds of dollars for a Vitamin C shower head and special cartridges, but, test your water before and after, and you'll see it's reduced. Not eliminated.

So, what do we do? We won't get any better if we keep putting these chemicals in our bodies.

Here's what I've been doing.

My partner and I are searching for a new place to live with well water.

Even if it's a trailer, I do not care at this point. If the water isn't poisoning me, I'll take it.

We are currently looking at a house with good water, and will know in two days whether we got it or not. Keep your fingers crossed for us!! This could change the course of my recovery for the positive.

In the mean time, we live in a place that doesn't have Fluoride in the water. But there is a great deal of Chlorine in it.

I chose a Berkey Travel Filter. It's stainless steel and portable. If you get the Black Berkey Filters for it, it eliminates Chlorine and Fluoride by acclaimed 99 percent. It's really the best deal when it comes to individual filters.

I understand that it is bad for the environment, but I also use bottled water. I do recycle though. Do your research first and make sure the bottled water you are drinking doesn't have fluoride in it already. Many do.

For bathing, I have been going to friends and families homes and taking a quick shower if they have good water. I just bathe less often.

When I have to wash up at home, I turn the water on in my shower and stand away from the water so it isn't raining down on me. Then, I wash any parts that smell ripe with a cloth, fully avoiding a lot of the water. I also wash my hair in the tub with cleaning gloves on, not letting more than the top of my scalp touch the water.

It may sound silly, but it is what works for me right now. My health depends on it.

I remind myself constantly that this is only temporary until we can find a different place with better water.

I am determined to heal.

Big Berkey Water Filter

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