Thursday, October 22, 2015

October 2015, and the LB Protocol

Ello Reader!

Last month, as I have written,  I was taken off all antibiotics, and was placed on a mixture of Nystatin, Alchornea, Probiotic and LB Protocol by Green Dragon Supplements.

I have to take the supplements gradually increasing until I reach to 12 a day.

The Nystatin, Alchornea and Probiotic are for the Candida, and the Protocol is for the Lyme.

It's ingredients contain the following herbs:

Japanese Knotweed Root
Cats Claw Vine Bark
Andrographis Herb
Sasparilla Root
Dandelion Herb

In my earlier posts, I can recall feeling very hesitant and anxious for all of this to begin, but, now that I've been on it for a few weeks now, I'm feeling much more positive.

I haven't felt a major Lyme symptom in days. I have some minor fog brain, but I've had no pain, no nausea, nothing really.

I honestly believe that my Lyme might be very close to full remission, and that the rest of the symptoms I'm feeling are symptoms of the Candida. It is hard to tell at this point.

I've had a few decent Herxheimer reactions on the LB protocol so far. Just an overall ill feeling and racing anxiety. It's hard to describe with words. I guess you have to feel it.

Let me explain once again, my Herx reactions have been very minor compared to what they could be. My Lyme was caught very early.

I have finally ended the entire diet debate that I was going through and have made a final decision on which to follow. I have chosen the SCD diet. There is a special version of it that treats Candida, and I cannot see how it wouldn't help aid in Lyme treatment either.

So, all in all, so far in October, I am doing okay and starting to feel better. Lyme has it's ups and downs, and right now, we are currently UP.

I hope the worst of this is through.

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