Thursday, October 22, 2015

The SCD diet for Candida (and helps with Lyme, too!)

Dear Reader,

I have been feeling AMAZING since I started the SCD diet for Candida. I have tons of energy, and I feel even a change in my mind. No depression, less anxiety, and no PMS. This is an amazing diet, and I feel it's a great choice for both Lyme and Candida.

They have even revised the Candida diet so then it is specifically for the treatment of Candida in the beginning two stages, with the third one resulting in the regular Candida diet.

The SCD (Specific Carb Diet) aims to heal and seal the gut. The place where all disease starts. It starves Candida, while nourishing the body and it eliminates items that aggravate Lyme such as sugar and grains.

There are testimonies everywhere online of people who have been treated with SCD that have cured their IBS, Crohn's Disease, Autism, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Candida, Celiacs and a list of others.

Step one for me was to go not just Gluten free, but Grain free completely.

Our bodies were not designed to eat abundances of grains or dairy products. We actually have only just started this trend in the last 400 years. It has absolutely everything to do with our agriculture. Before it, we were hunter gatherers.

So here we are with all of these mental and health problems, and we're taking all sorts of prescription pills for them, but we are still sick and never getting better. Why? Because we continue to poison ourselves and not heal our gut. I've said it before and I'll say it again, pharm meds are very rarely the answer, and most traditional doctors are not taught nearly enough of the things they should know (if any) about alternative healing. The two hand in hand are very powerful.

The SCD lay out is really more of how we are naturally designed to eat, and how the average human diet should be dining.

I apologize for the ranting!! Onto the SCD Diet For Candida:

Stage One (the stage I'm going through currently, and the most "difficult"):

Proteins: Eat as desired

Fruits, dried fruits and honey:

One serving of diluted fruit juice or one serving of cooked fruit every other day.

1-2 servings lemon or lime juice perday.

Use non sweet fruits as much as possible. (these are all listed on Pecan Bread's website)

Avoid dried fruits and honey


 Eat as much low and medium carb veggies as desired. (Lists on Pecan Bread)

1 serving of high carb veggies 1-2 times a week. Avoid if symptoms are severe/


-Limit Hard Cheeses to 1 serving per week (Check out SCD Legal/Illegal lists online)
-No mushrooms
-no vinegars. Use lemon juice.
-Avoid nuts, beside nut flours in recipes. (I personally go for Coconut Flour, as Almond flour can be tricky!!) They cannot be used every day.


Use 24 hour fermented yogurt or a SCD legal form, or a probiotic in capsule form. (I use Jarrow Dophilis, Allergen free)


(I use Alchornea tincture and Nystatin)

Also, drink plenty of good water, and eat plenty of good fats. Coconut oil, Olive oil and Butter and Ghee.

Stay on this until symptom free for a few weeks, and then advance to

Stage 2:

 Eat as desired

Fruits, Dried Fruits, Honey:
1 serving of diluted juice every day
1 serving cooked fruit every other day
Limit dried fruits to one serving 1-2 times a week. Stop if symptoms increase.
Limit small amounts of honey (1/2 of what a recipe calls for) Stop if symptoms increase or return

1 serving high carb veggie 1-2 times a week.
Eat as much low and medium carb veggies as desired.

Limit hard cheeses to two servings a week
no mushrooms
no vinegar
avoid nuts

Phase 3:

Go into Full SCD Diet.

This includes cheese eating as desired and more honey usage.

Once again, all of this information and more are both online and in the book, "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" by Elaine Gottschall

A lot of this diet is decently overwhelming for me, as I am just beginning and not only relearning how to cook, but also how to eat.

Although it is overwhelming, I am grateful for this chance to explore new foods, and not all of them have to be extremely pricey.

So far this week, I've eaten a big mug of veggie chicken soup (home made), two burger patties with onion and an egg sunny side up, and zuke noodle pasta, Haluski made without the noodles, an array of coconut flour breads still trying to find the best one, and Tacos with Romaine lettuce shells to name a few.

Healing can taste good if you allow yourself to seek the options.

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