Wednesday, October 11, 2017

I am in Remission...Complete Remission

Seven Months ago, I stopped going to my LLMD.

I was battling a terrible depression, and I took a leap of faith.

I stopped all of my Lyme meds completely. After a year and a half. Just to see what would happen.

And guess what?

I am in remission, and have been in remission for seven months and counting now. With no symptoms beside Candida symptoms.

My LLMD told me I wasn't in remission, because I was still having Herxheimer reactions from medicines.

What he didn't tell me, is that most of the herbals I was on kill Candida, Parasites and Viruses and Mold as well, which can all create Herxheimer reactions.

He also didn't explain that even the blood and stool tests from Candida can be false.

I have no symptoms.

I have noticed an increase in my asthma, and also a slight pain in my joints like Fibro when I eat too much of certain foods, like sugar and gluten.

I believe this is Candida.

Other than that, I have no symptoms at all.

I am back to work and living life again.

This has been such a blessing, and now I can attempt to help others on their journeys.

The next post I make, I will be sharing the things that healed me, and also all of the things I have heard from trusted others that have helped them, that I might even try in the future if Lyme ever returns for me again.

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