Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Affordable Methods of Treatment for Lyme and Co.

Here is a list of affordable Lyme treatments that I have heard have worked for people to heal from Lyme.
Mind you, most of these people couldn't work during treatment, so some adjustments may need to be made to your lifestyle.

1- Buhner Core Protocol.

2- Chronic Tonic-
     4oz cats claw, 2 oz echinacea root (angustfolia), 2 oz teasel, 2 oz Eleurethero, 2oz Red Root, 2 oz Japanese Knotweed, 1 oz St john's Wort, 1 oz Sweet Annie (artemisia annua, sweet wormwood), 1/2 oz Neem Leaf, 1/4 oz Oregano, 1/4 oz Thyme

You will need a scale that does both grams and ounces. Do not estimate! This is impotant as these herbs are strong. Miz all herbs together in air tight container. Store away from heat and light.

To make Tonic:
Take 13 gs of mixed herbs and add to four cups of water that has been brought to a boil and then removed from heat. (do not boil herbs) Allow to steep for 20 minutes. Set a timer. dont forget. If it goes over the time throw it out. it will be too strong. Drink 1 cup 4 times a day. Work your way up to four cups. Brew the tonic daily so it's potent.

3- Hot Water Therapy-  Using a Hot tub, Sun bathing, or Sauna or Bath, raise your body to 103. Use a thermometer. Sustain it there for a half hour once weekly. This will work for Lyme, but might not for coinfections, which can be treated additionally with herbs.

4- Vitamin C and Salt Protocol

5- Spice Treatment- Ceylon Cinnamon, Ginger, Turmeric, Ashwaganda, Diatomaceous Earth, 1 Tbsp daily. Twice a day. Work your way up. Start slow.

-Oregano oil, 4 drops daily (work your way up)

-Moringa Tea

6- Tai Qi

1 comment:

  1. Hi, are you still alive?
    I believe Andrew Nowacki died, he hasn't posted any more videos on his YouTube channel for 1+ year...
