Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Pain Management and How I dealt with Herxing

For some, herxing will be alleviated with Alkaseltzer gold. I personally have never tried this.

I looked at the root of the problem, which is inflammation, and then I took it from there and figured it out myself.

I was running in a field one morning. It was in mid Autumn. The cold air seared through my body. I stopped for a moment, feeling my breathing changing, and I started to cough.

I remembered this feeling from long before. When I was diagnosed with childhood asthma.

Anxiety spilled out of me, and I rummaged through my back pack while wheezing, looking for an inhaler that I didn't have out of habit.

What I did have was an apple, a sandwich, and a metal cylinder of fresh water.

I sat on the ground, pulling my knees to my chest, and for some reason, my body commanded me to eat the apple as fast as I could. I did that, and I sipped on the water. Within the half hour, my asthma attack was gone. The inflammation gone.

I found out much later that apples contain certain agents that fight inflammation. Including Quercetin.

Apples are powerful.

During herxes, I have used a combination of apples, lots of water and Turmeric while sitting in a hot detox both of epsom salts. If those failed, I would take a bite of Benadryl, which is a last resort but always worked.

Herxes are different for everyone. Mine included panic attacks, pain, my throat feeling like it was going to swell up, and feeling like I couldn't swallow or breather. Keeping mind over matter, and reminding myself the root of the Herx was inflammation, and then treating the inflammation and in the future avoiding it, resulted in the defeat of it.


Pain Management-

Most Lyme pain that I have heard of seems to be from die-off. Inflammation. Which can be fought through diet and other methods,
Though, there is some that is pure nerve pain, from damage done by these wretched bugs.
I let myself experience the pain, but used anti inflammatory herb sand ibuprofen to help. I also stimulated my Vagus Nerve regularly.
Here are some other methods to treat:

-Stimulating the Vagus Nerve




-Medical Marijuana

-Nueral Therapy

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