Sunday, December 6, 2015

December 2015

New Symptoms Rising With Increase of Medicine, and old ones make a come back

On 8-9 pills of the Buhner Core Protocol daily, I have been experiencing a series of new symptoms, along with some of the old ones. That's the crazy thing about Lyme, some days you feel fine, and then all of a sudden you wake up feeling slammed.

It's been a very up and down process.

Loss of Appetite was there for a few weeks startign right around Thanksgiving. I'd get full off of nothing, and simply had no desire to eat at all. I did make myself eat somethings though.

Nausea has also made a come back, as well as the crushing sensation in my chest when I sleep.

Some of that is anxiety, and some is like air hunger.

I did some research, and Stephen Buhner mentions air hunger as a Lyme symptom, and he gives a generous list of herbal options to try to sooth this. One is Horehound.

I thought this might be inflammation, and possibly connected to a Herx reaction, so I got into an Epsom Salt bath and took three Ibuprofen (to take down the inflammation) and three capsules of Zen Life supplements stress and anxiety management.

Included in those capsules are calming herbs like Ashwaganda and Lemon Balm. Ashwaganda just also happens to be on Buhner's list for air hunger. These things worked well for me, and I was eventually able to sleep and rest peacefully without the sensation.

As with any of these posts, I am not a doctor, I simply am writing my experience and how my body has reacted to certain things.

My loss of appetite eventually came back on it's own, along with my sex drive which also veers in and out.

Motion sickness has made vehicular travelling close to impossible without me feeling very dizzy and ill.

My lethargy lately has been decently bad, and I have not been being very active. I feel like a portion of this is due to the change of the seasons as well.



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