Sunday, December 6, 2015

A Grainless Thanksgiving, 2015

A Grainless Thanksgiving

November 2015

As I've officially adopted a grainless, sugar and dairy free (beside raw goat milk) diet, I was concerned about how my holidays were going to turn out.

When we think of food for Thanksgiving, our minds intantly go to the pies, gravies, stuffings, mashed potatoes and other edible trademarks of the holiday.

determined to enjoy my holiday, I hunted for recipes that were both Candida and Lyme friendly, while being tasty.

I took recipes from the SCD diet, the Paleo diet and the Candida diet.

I ended up with a complete spread, including a pie, fudge and cinnamon role muffins. I even was able to make tarts!!

Mind you, this type of eating is not an everyday occurence, but was made for the holdays. A steady diet of these dishes could result eventually in a flare up of the Candida.

Below, I am sharing some of my recipes from Thanksgiving that usually require grain or dairy, but in the case of these do not.

Grainless Thanksgiving 2015:


-Grainless, dairy free sweet stuffing (This was DELICIOUS)

To make the bread:

GAPS Grain Free Banana Cake/Bread Recipe:

Wet ingredients:

-2 cups of almond butter

-4 medium bananas mashed

-4 eggs

-4 TBSPs honey (I reduced this to two due to using it for stuffing) plus one tsp vanilla extract

-2 tsps apple cider vinegar

-2 T butter, ghee or coconut oil

Dry ingredients:

-1 tsp cinnamon

-1 tsp baking soda

-1/2 teaspoon sea salt

-4 tbsps coconut flour


-Preheat oven to 350

-oil a a cake pan (I used a glass rectangular pan)

-Mix all dry ingredients together in a bowl

-In separate bowl, mix all wet ingredients

-Combine wet and dry ingredients together and mix together until combined

-Pour batter into pan and cook for 40 minutes, or until done. Cake should have risen slightly and look golden brown. (I have over cooked this, and it still turned out okay)

-Let pan cool for 15 minutes before cutting into

Once this bread is made, cut into stuffing cubes, and then put on a baking sheet, then put in the oven to dry for two days. If not completely dried by day two, turn oven on lowest setting and leave set for an hour.

The bread should not be as hard as croutons, but also should not be moist. This will only make your stuffing's texture either soggy or too hard. Continuously check your stuffing to make usre the consistence is right. You can also add Parsely to your cubes while drying them. This stuffing recipe is very herby and aromatic.

Stuffing Ingredients:

-Cubed Stuffing squares

-1/4 cup fresh parsley

-2 tbsp coconut oil

-1/2 red onion diced (I used yellow)

-4 celery sticks diced

-2 teaspoons dried Thyme leaves

-1 Teaspoon dried Rosemary

-1/2 tsp dried ground sage

-1/4 tsp black pepper

-1/4 teaspoon Himalayan rock salt

-1/4 teaspoon ground Ginger

-1/4 teaspoon ground Cinnamon

-1 cup home made beef broth

Directions for Stuffing:

-Toss fresh Parsley and bread chunks in a large bowl and set aside

-Preheat oven for 350 and light grease a casserole dish with coconut oil

-Heat oil in a large pan on medium high heat, to cook onion for five minutes or until soft, then add celery, thyme, rosemary, sage, pepper, salt, ginger and cinnamon. Cook for another three minutes.

-Remove from heat and add vegetable mixture to bread. Toss and combine, don't overmix.

-Pour beef broth over the top of bread, then toss. don't over mix

-Add all to prepared casserole dish

-Cover and bake for 30 minutes

-Remove from Oven and let sit with the cover for five minutes


Mashed Cauliflower and Butternut Squash (in place of mashed potatoes):


1/4 cup milk, milk alternative or chicken broth

1 large head of cauliflower

1 medium butternut squash

1 tsp garlic powder

Pinch salt or pepper (to taste)


Cook Cauliflower and Butternut until tender

(Boil Cauliflower for 15 minutes, Bake squash at 325 for 45-50 minutes)

Once tender, peel the squash, remove seeds and cut in half lengthwise

place cauliflower in blender with two Tbsps milk, 1/2 tsp. Garlic Powder, and salt and pepper to taste. Blen until smooth. Spoon into serving dish.

Top with chopped chives, and you can also add an extra clove of baked garlic to the ingredients in the blender for extra taste.

Almond Butter Freezer Fudge:

-1 cup, raw unsalted almond butter

-1/4 cup coconut oil, softened

-1/2 teaspoon sea salt

1/2 Tablespoon vanilla

(I've made this without any sweetener, and it still tasted great)

Mix all ingredients together until smooth and creamy, and then place in a square baking dish, lined with parchment paper, smooth with spatula, freeze until solid. (One hour or Two)

I always double this recipe to get thicker pieces. It's really so good.

I also skipped the sweetener, and put a sprinkle of Xylitol over it all after it was finished


Pumpkin Pie

Paleo Pie Crust:

2 cups blanched almond flour

1/4 teaspoon Celtic sea salt

-2 tbsp coconut oil

-1 large egg

Blend all ingredients, form a ball, press dough into a 9 inch pie dish, bake for 8-12 minutes at 350

Pumpkin Pie filling:

Blend 1 can pumpkin puree, 1/2 cup raw goat milk (or almond milk), 3 eggs, 1 Tsp Vanilla Extract, 1/4 tsp salt, 1 teaspoon ground Ginger, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (I added more), 1/2 teaspoon ground Nutmeg, 1/2 cup honey

Blend all well, and then layer into the pie crust

bake at 350 for 30 minutes, let pie cool


Happy Holidays!!





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