Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Hunt for Raw Dairy

The Hunt for Raw Dairy

Yes, raw dairy is illegal. I have decided to add it to my treatment though, so that I might make probiotic yogurt from it and use a bit in recipes.

It took me quite a while to track down where to even find some of the dairy. I started at Farmer's Markets, and while there was plenty of raw cow, the goat milk remained elusive. I started asking questions and doing some research.

My mother has goats that she uses for milking, but she could only help me out with so much before I needed to find my own sources.

I eventually found a woman who owned a goat farm two hours from my home, and I drove there one day and bought the milk in bulk. It costs ten dollars a gallon, and I bought four gallons.

When I had returned home, I froze them all in plastic Ziplock bags fof future usage. Goat Milk stays good for up to six months frozen.

I've greatly reduced my dairy intake, and four gallons will last me a while.

When your food costs more and is harder to obtain, you really learn to appreciate it.

Later on during purchasing, this lady eventually ended up driving into my town, as to save me gas money, which I was very grateful for. I now have enough milk for the entire winter, should I need it.

Just call around and ask around, and you will find the things you need.

What's interesting about all of this, the diet changes and dairy sources, is that this is closer to a diet we as humans should be eating anyway.

One in 3,000 people will become sick from raw dairy. To me, that seems worth the risk to try it and reap the benefits. Especially now that a potentially fatal illness now runs through my veins.

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