Sunday, December 6, 2015

My Frozen Yogurt Hell

My Frozen Yogurt Hell

Before I started using plastic to freeze my raw milk, I was using glass jars. I really do try to avoid plastic, but the following story shows how it is truly impractical.

I had a friend over, and I was getting ready to prepare a meal. As I opened my freezer door, I was disgruntled to find an exploded jar of milk, with remnants of the glass and the milk lining the freezer's bottom. My friend jokingly grabbed a spoon and said,

"When life gives you spilled milk, make frozen yogurt."

Then he made a gesture like he was scooping off the frozen liquid and eating it.

I saved this idea for when I was making my probiotic yogurt for the week next. I had made my weekly batch and one of the jars of it didn't quite turn out. It was soupy and kind of sour.

I then decided to make Raspberry Frozen Yogurt from the botched batch from a recipe that I found online, rather than wasting it.

The recipe called for Raspberries, 0ver a cup of Xylitol put in a blender and of course, the yogurt.

I was excited to try it.


Once it was finished, it stood purple and perfect. Glistening a little from the Xylitol.

I ate one serving, and it was so good, I ate two more. I should not have done this.

About two hours later, my stomach started churning and I started having a severe Herx reaction. I could not figure out why.

On top of this, I had severe diarrhea

These reactions were strong and lasted for two days.

I did some looking around, and found that Xylitol is actually used to fight Lyme and even prescribed by some LLMD's to their patients. This explains the Herx I had experienced.

I wish I would have known all of this before I had decided to use a recipe calling for so much of the sweetener. That could have been dangerous.



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