Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Grateful Post, 2015 :)

Grateful Post:

I genuinely believe that with any disease, trauma or life transition, a constant check of what we are grateful is necessary and reassuring. Too often do we polarize events and get hung up on the negative sides of things.

With every dark there is a light, so I've decided to devote this post to the light side of Lyme Disease, followed by a list of things I am thankful for. One of the plus sides of actually writing the list is that it may be viewed during times of sadness as a reminder of the things we do have, keeping the sorrow at bay.

If anyone gets too sad, please write to me, talk to someone in your support system (friends or family) or call the Response Hotline available 24/7.

Their number is (631) 751-7500


The Light side of Lyme Disease:

-I've been spending a lot of time at home, which has given me ample time to work on projects, complete things that I usually have a hard time finishing and of course, write to you all. :)

-I've been really listening to my dreams and my body during this down time. It's like getting to know myself all over again and in different ways.

-I've been eating better than I ever have, and really focusing on my nutrition and putting money into it. I always used to just eat something quick and go. Now I am taking my time and eating properly. I've also been hydrating properly for the first time really ever.

-I'm learning how to cook all sorts of wonderful things that challenge the SAD, which excites me.

- My entire life style is changing for the healthier.

-I've always been an extreme person, and this illness is teaching me to see the world in a balance.

-I am gaining so much more respect for myself. I combat every horrible symptom, and then I get through them. My body even as I'm typing is warm from fighting off the Lyme. This means that it is doing what it is supposed to do without any problems.

-I am learning to seek pleasure and happiness out of much more than food, sex or intoxicants. Many of my friends have not reached this place, and some others will never.

Those are just some of the light side of things that I can quickly jot down off the top of my head.

Can you see the light side in your life? Lyme or no Lyme, this is an important and useful strategy.

Grateful List:

I am grateful for a chance to recover and to heal.

I am grateful to have the resources to eat the way that I need to to heal.

I am grateful to be warm and comfortable in my new home.

I am grateful to have good water here to quicken my healing.

I am grateful for a good mind and a big heart.

I am grateful for a working body that is on my side for the fighting of this disease.

I am grateful to not have to work if I can't while I'm healing.

I am grateful for the option of full recovery during remission.

I am grateful for a good Lyme doctor.

I am grateful that I live in a country that has lyme literate physicians. So many people in other countries die from Lyme as it goes untreated.

I am grateful for the reminder that the American food pyramid and standard diet do nothing but harm and illness for others.

I am grateful for awareness.

I am gratfeul for days I feel normal.

Those are some things I am grateful for. Can you think of reasons to be grateful, despite this disease? Write them down to remind yourself.

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