Sunday, December 6, 2015

Looking back for a cure, November 2015


"Those about to study medicine, and the younger physicians should light their torches at the fires of the ancients"

My mother taught me to question authority, but to do so tactfully, and to always do my own research. It would be much easier for me to sit back and let my LLMD do all of the work for me, but I have been blessed with an LLMD that even encourages me to do my own research and find some of my own answers, while he acts as a gentle guide.

In light of the last paragragh, I have been studying books of every kind, and have been concentrating on nutrition and herbal remedy. I've also been really branching out and asking everyone I know who has Lyme or anyone who knows someone with Lyme what they have done and what has or has not worked or been useful . All of these people, plus a plethora of books and web sites are my sources for my writing on this blog.

During my studies, I stumbled across multiple ancient texts on medicinals and healing, and a part of these was the Ebers Papyrus.

It is the oldest and most important medical Papyri of Ancient Egypt. It's herbal knowledge dates back to 1550 BC.

While a great deal of this book is sheer madness (they put feces, beer and excrement on EVERYTHING), they also had discovered some things that we still even use today, or that we had used for a time.

Examples of such are using poppies to stop a child from crying, using parts of a hog to treat indegestion in the form of wafers (Tums), and the use of Castor Oil as a laxative.

There was an abundance of wisdom in these chapters, and the ones I found interesting for my own personal healing concerning Lyme pertained to the usage of Garlic, Honey and Raw Milk.

Garlic is known for it's antibiotic and biofilm killing qualities when it comes to Lyme. I eat a few cloves raw on a daily. It can make you herx.

Raw honey in moderation (too much will feed Candida) can be used as an antibiotic also, and is full of living enzymes. It is a very healing food. I take Manuka Honey with tea daily, but I have also heard good things about Yemeni honey.

Raw Goat Milk is more like human milk and is not acidic like Cow Milk. There have been many people who claim their Lyme has been completely cured by drinking raw milk and by fasting on raw milk alone.

In the words of my LLMD, do the research. We live in a time where the world's largest library is available to all of us for free, and for some it comes hand held.

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