Saturday, February 20, 2016

February 2016...Some new symptoms and the dying off of others

February, 2016

Lately I feel like I have the flu all of the time, and I need to rest often. It is now 7 months since I've started proper Lyme treatment, and nine months since I have been ill. I want remission.

Little by little, though I am getting better. Going herbal is a much slower, less abrasive process than being treated with antibiotic.

I have learned a great deal about Lyme this month, and about my own personal recovery, through a series of lessons and events made discernable to me via circumstance.

Some of these will be covered in this month's posts, and include learning about Colloidal Silver, ideas to further spread Lyme awareness, medicinal honey, going non dairy, Japanese Knotweed and thoughts on life in remission.

I am excited to report that as of this month, my throat hasn't swelled or closed up on me. I am very grateful for this transition, and take it as a symptom of my body healing.

I have just started experiencing pelvic pain and painful orgasm this month, but it was only for a week's time. It was an unpleasant surprise, and the pain felt dull and sharp at the same time, and continued for days afterward.

I went to my OBGYN to be sure that it was nothing more serious. I came up with an abnormal pap smear and am due for a colposcopy early next month.

Every once in a while, I'll get a flare up of arthritic pain in the sides of hands, and an uncomfortable lower back stiffness. Overall, I am feeling much better, beside the constant nausea.

My current medicinal regimen goes as follows:
Honey-1 Tbsp before bed by Tropical Traditions
Curcumin 500- once a day by Pure Encapuslations
Methyl Folate once daily by Jarrow
Vitamin D twice daily by Pure Encapulations
Ashwaganda before bed by Gaia
Chlorella once daily for detox by Solaray

and 12 capsules of  LB Protocol taken four times daily. I have been suffering from the nausea more so as I'm up to 12 a day. I wonder if maybe it has something to do with Oxalic acid in the Japanese Knotweed

I feel as though it's still going to be a long road. Possibly even another seven months until remission, but I'll be back to where I was by the end of all of this.

Observations of my own have shown me that Lyme symptoms follow a cycle or pattern through out the body, making certain ones pop up and others die down.

As wary as my mind gets, and as tired as my body is, I remain grateful for my strong immune system and anticipate a healthier future.

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