Sunday, February 21, 2016

Japanese Knotweed

I was looking over all of the ingredients in my LB core protocol. This is definitely some powerful stuff.

Japanese Knotweed root, Cats claw vine bark, Andrographis, Sarsparilla root and Dandelion Herb.

I realized I could harvest half of these ingredients from the land myself.

This Spring and summer, I plan on hunting for some ingredients.

Japanese Knotweed is an invasive species that grows abundantly in Pennsylvania, so I'm going to start with this and Dandelion.

The key healing ingredient in Japanese Knotweed that heals Lyme is Reveratrol. Resveratrol can be extracted from the plant with every day kitchen appliances.

Resveratrol is reported to be well known by it's anti aging and disease combating properties.

It fights against Lyme Disease, Heart Disease, Cancer (by limiting the spread of Cancer cells and triggering the process of Cancer cell death), Alzheimer's and even Diabetes.

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