Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Silver Angel

A friend of mine came over and invited a friend of his, who happened to be a late stage Lymer.
He believes he is fully recovered, after a long battle with many relapses.

He also is the first person I've spoken to that believes that Lyme can actually be cured, rather than just put into remission. And late stage Lyme, at that!

We'll Call him A.

A.had eventually lost his ability to even play guitar, due to illness, and he claimed to have never had a Herx heimer reaction. I guess not all Lymies have the same strand of Lyme. Because there were two ticks found on me, maybe there are multiple strands in me?

A. shared with me his secret to combating the disease, and he explained that he had seen a Naturopath in town.

She prescribed him "Safe Silver", as shown in the picture above. Safe Silver is nano particles of Colloidal Silver, which was widely used as an antibiotic in the 30's and 40's, right before pharmaceutical antibiotics started to take off.

Colloidal Silver has a colorful history, as does the usage of Silver for healing.

People dined off of silver plates and drank from silver cups to protect themselves from the Black Plague. 

The problem with extended usage of Colloidal Silver or Silver is that the body has a hard time getting rid of the metals, and then they all slowly build up in the body and start to cause problems. One widely known symptom, is that the skin of the person turns blue or gray!

A. also eats a Vegan diet. Unlike another person with Lyme I had spoken to, he is not a raw Vegan. This diet mixed with Safe Silver landed him right into remission. He now lives a normal life.

I asked my Lyme Doctor if I should mix Colloidal Silver with my LB Protocol, and I have yet to hear an answer back regarding interactions.

On this particular day, and during this particular week, I had been very run down by depression and prayed for some kind of help, and in walks in a random newcomer with a bottle of Safe Silver as a gift and a message of hope for even Late Stage Lyme. I am so grateful for the message. The universe provides.

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