Saturday, September 26, 2015

August 2015- Meeting my LLMD, and feeling some what hopeful.

August 2015

I finally was able to meet my LLMD, and just in time, as I had run out of my antibiotic stash. 

Lyme had definitely been affecting my anxiety levels. I felt more socially awkward and just weird around other people, even my own family members. 

I started having symptoms where I would lose feeling in my hands or feet, or feel like they were 
falling asleep all the time. I also felt like I was sun burnt INSIDE of my body. 

It was very difficult to be around anyone, feeling the various symptoms of Lyme (which at this point, I was quite sure I had it), and yet looking normal to everyone around me. Maybe just a little tired. 

The thing that made me feel it was Lyme, was mainly the way that it reacted to antibiotic and Samento. The Herx reaction was also a common symptom. 

Some days I would feel multiple symptoms at once, and then all of a sudden, I'd feel fine. I noticed that my symptoms got worse at night. 

I chose an LLMD skilled in  Herbalism, Holistics and Lyme treatment. He met with me for two hours discussing my symptoms and previous trials, and he made changes to my diet and gave me a list of vitamins and antibiotic to start taking. 

He diagnosed me with Lyme via my symptoms, but still is making sure that I take tests to try to see. He also informed me of a possible facial paralysis that I have.I was sent me home with a deal of labwork. 

He told me that with as healthy as I already was, he didn't see why I shouldn't make complete recovery, and be able to live symptom free. Thus made me very happy, and to this day those words keep me going. 

He put me on an absolutely no gluten diet, and I had already stopped eating dairy that isn't raw. Both of those things can cause alot of problems for the immune system, and I had read somewhere that sugar can make the Lyme spread even faster. He also told me to get a probiotic called Jarro dophilus.

I was told to stop taking my Samento and other things and that he never had a patient that Samento had worked for.

He also explained that many of the vitamins on the shelves of stores and such were about only as good as placebos, and we talked about greed and it's control of the populace.

He prescribed me a month's worth of Biaxin, and then sent me on my way, only to meet up with him next month to check out the lab tests and see how I was doing. 

When I started the Biaxin, I had really horrible nausea and diahrrea at first. but then I adjusted. I had a decent rest of August, with a normal period and most of the Lyme symptoms diminished. 

One night, I decided to take my Biaxin two hours earlier than I should have. I started to get a strange metallic taste in the back of my throat and in my mouth, and when I tried to swallow, I felt like it was labored. Almost like something was stuck in the back of my throat. I freaked out, and thought it was an allergic reaction.

Then, I calmed myself and without anxiety, I realized that I could still swallow, and that it just felt like my throat was a little swollen. I took ibuprofen and drank lots of water, and the feeling eventually went away. This experience was horrifying. 

I went on a hike that ended up being longer than I thought it would be, and it was a ten mile hike. That did not mix well with the antibiotic at all. On the seventh mile, I had explosive diahrrea, and sharp, shooting pains in my stomach. No matter how much water I drank, I didn't feel hydrated. It was an awful time. I am still learning my limitations and boundaries with this thing. I set a limit of five miles max. 

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