Saturday, September 26, 2015

Urgent Message for the Lyme community

TWO CHILDREN in Alabama were just apprehended by Child Services and placed in separate foster homes because their mother was treating one of the boys for Lyme disease. A 'fill in' doctor at the pediatrician's office stated to the mother, who took her boy there because of ear troubles that 'Lyme disease is the new cult and that treating this child for Lyme is child abuse.' he went on to say that he will do everything in his power to have the children taken from the mother and that she was doing this for attention. Last night, police and child services arrived to her home. Her 6 and 7 yr old boys were taken away from her. Child services would not allow the children to even go stay with family. They have given her very little information on what to do, and had not even done an investigation prior to apprehending the children.

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