Saturday, September 26, 2015

Candida Symptoms

Candida is a very common co occurrence when placed on months of antibiotic. If you read my journal entries after Strawberry Moon, you'll see how long I was on antibiotic without a decent probiotic and how quickly Candida had developed in my unprotected system.

Candida is a yeast that is already in our bodies, but the overgrowth and lack of good flora is when it becomes an issue.

Antibiotics can help kill Lyme, but they wipe out your natural biota. 

I was using different foods for probiotic, like ginger beer, Miso soup and Goat's milk Yogurt. I also used an oral probiotic that I had purchased, and it's name was Probi 30 Billion. None of these things are enough when it comes to being on heavy antibiotic, and many vitamins and supplements sold in stores are merely placebo. Jarro Dophilis EPS by Jarrow Formulas is a good one, and you can find it affordably on Amazon. 

Also, anyone using Kombucha for probiotic, or drinking too much of it at all should really stop. I understand that it's a trend right now, but if you do the research it's not as good for you as claimed to be, and can even make the build up worst. 

The symptoms of Candida are actually very similar to the symptoms of Lyme disease. These include the following: 

-Inability to focus
-Poor Memory
-Brain Fog
-Crying Spells
-Panic Attacks
-Low Libido
-Persistent Extreme Fatigue
-Craving for sweets and alcohol
-Poor Cooridination

-Acid Reflux
-Stomach Cramps
-Burping After Meals
-Mucus in Stool
-Itching Anus

-Night Sweats
-Fungal Infections
-Athlete's Foot
-Body Odor

-Swollen lower lip
-Metallic taste in mouth
-Bad breath
-Canker sores
-Bleeding gums
-Cracked tongue

-Persistent cough
-Mucus in throat
-Sore throat
-Sinus congestion
-Chronic post nasal drip
-Flu like symptoms

-Eye pain
-itchy eyes
-Light sensitivity
-Blurred vision
-Bags under eyes
-Ringing in ears
-Ear infections

-Recurring yeast infections
-recurring UTIs
-PMS/Mentrual Irregularities
-Fungal Rash

-Frequent Cold and flu
-Sensitivities to food

-Inability to lose weight
-Water retention
-Weight loss

-Head aches
-Heart palpitations
-Chronic body pain or joint pain
-Muscle aches/stiffness

Candida on tongue

Candida, like Lyme is often misdiagnosed as IBS, Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Diaper Rash, Athlete's Foot, Crohn's Disease, and Gastroenteritis

So, how does one treat Candida? Depending on whom you ask, the answer varies. 

Some believe the answers lie in diet, and others will tell you it lies in medicine. 

My doctor is currently testing me for Candida, and I am placing myself on the very strict and ever unpopular Candida diet. 

I am also advised to be on Jarro Dophilis, Alcornea tincture and Nystatin.

On a personal note, I almost wonder how many people walk around in their day to day lives misdiagnosed by traditional doctors and ill treated, when they really just have severe cases of yeast build up or gut issues?

Do our American diets make us sick and crazy, and then have the healthcare system leave our problems overlooked and blame it on other things and then be prescribed medication, only making us sicker and crazier, when all we would essentially need is to change our diets??

The possibility of that is horrifying.

Considering all of the backwards direction from traditional doctors that I have personally experienced on this journey so far, that attempted to lead me to be ill for the rest of my life and then tell me I'm crazy, I do not put it past them. The health care system is a mess. You can't even trust your own doctors.


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