Monday, September 28, 2015

GAPS Diet better for Candida? And possibly good for Lyme as well?

Researching and researching right before I start my new protocol, and I've found multiple pieces written on the GAPS diet being beneficial for Lyme and Candida, possibly even better for Candida than the Candida diet.

The Candida diet only works partially, and doesn't heal anything, because they continue to allow the usage of grains (that are unglutinous) and starchy vegetables like potatoes eventually.
The GAPS diet is a two year diet whom's mission serves to ultimately heal up the gut.

This all has me curious now, as to which diet would actually be more beneficial, as I have also read that the GAPS diet is not specifically structured for Candida. Does that mean it might make the yeast worse?

So confusing!

If you don't eat any sugars at all for a long time (say the two years of the GAPS diet), won't your body react badly to it?

Surprisingly enough, my LLMD knows nothing about the Candida diet.

I am already on Nystatin, a good probiotic and Alcornea. I just need the right diet to compliment the treatment.

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