Friday, September 25, 2015

Welcome to Lyme, Out!

Why am I here, and why am I writing?

In the summer of 2015, I became very ill and was very misled by a series of traditional doctors that had tried to convince me that I was wrong or crazy for believing that Lyme disease could thrive on after a couple weeks worth of antibiotics, even though I had known many that had been through it already and were told the same things, only to become chronically ill and greatly mistreated.
These friends came from multiple demographics, life styles and incomes, leading me to see that no one is immune to the misguiding of the American Health Care system.
One of the friends went through a series of major abuse. He had the tell tale bulls eye rash, and they told him he was fine after standard Lyme protocol.
Then, he had awful symptoms until he was severely ill with a meningitis like manifestation of it. Instead of going to an LLMD, this man continued with traditional doctors to be told his blood tests for Lyme came back negative. But, when he did them at home with trained professionals that were friends of the family, they came back positive.
He then was ushered through a series of medical tests, including a botched spinal tap which sent spinal fluid leaking into his brain. He was sent to therapy and other treatments, when all he needed was to see the right doctor.
He still struggles with symptoms to this day, and has not yet seen an LLMD. He battles with both the physical and mental manifestations of Lyme's aftermath (as he may be in remission, but with a load of damage) and a case of Candida from the large amount of antibiotic he endured during the meningitis like symptoms.
During my struggle, which is completely documented in journal form on a monthly basis here on this blog, I had the help of many people who had been through the loops and who assisted me while I was very ill until I could get professional help from an LLMD (Lyme Literate Doctor).
One of these people gave me multiple weeks of antibiotics, which kept my sickness at bay until I could see a doctor.
I told this person,"I'm so very thankful for your help."
And indeed, I was grateful.
This person is a woman who was misled by doctors to the point that her condition almost killed her completely, as Lyme can become fatal if not treated properly. She will now have crippling pain and live with the harrowing Lyme symptoms for the rest of her life, without a cure.
"I don't want you to end up like me," she said, as she handed me the antibiotics.
"What do you want in return? I'll do anything," I asked.
"Spread awareness."
So here I am, spreading as much awareness as I can about Lyme Disease, the corruption of the American Health Care System, and my own trials and tribulations with all of it.
There is so little information or awareness about this disease, which is steadily becoming an epidemic.
Not only does it come from ticks, but also from mosquitos and other insects.
It doesn't always cause a tell tale bulls eye rash. That actually only happens in 60 percent of patients.
 I, for one, had no rash at all.
I had no idea about Lyme disease (the fatality or the severity), and I live in a high risk zone area in Pennsylvania for it.
One man I know got bit by a tick, went into to his doctor, had it removed and was told it was fine and to go on home afterward. This is insanity for someone in a high risk area, especially someone that works out doors.
Many doctors in our area are not even educated on the matter, which is why seeking an LLMD (though very pricey) is essential to wellness.
Their ideas on the subject are antiquated. They tell people who get bit by ticks that it is no big deal, and that a two weeks of antibiotic is a cure all, no questions asked. Lyme cannot possibly live after a few weeks on antibiotic.
Yet there continue to be all of these chronically ill people.
Why? Because they are wrong. And they are killing people and making people suffer, misdiagnosing them with other ailments for their entire lives after mistreatment.
Two weeks of antibiotics was standard protocol in the 80's, this is 2015. There is new knowledge on the subject and it needs to start being adhered to so that people may heal.
Getting Lyme Disease is the unfortunate tale of someone being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Children and animals are not immune to this either.
People who cannot afford an LLMD and all of the medications (insurance doesn't cover any of it, because then the insurance agencies will track down the LLMDs who work underground to fight the good fight against Lyme) will not be cured, and will suffer their entire lives.
This is all unless people know how to treat themselves holistically and have the time, money and supplies to do so.
Why am I here, Why am I writing?
I am giving Lyme, Out! to the web as a personal exorcising of this  vicious disease that now runs in my blood, and in the blood of so many suffering others, some that don't even know that's what they have.
People are often given the false diagnoses of Depression, Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chrohn's, IBS, Alzheimer's and many others. 
I chose the title, denouncing the disease, as I believe a positive attitude and firm unwillingness to allow any disease to take over is essential to healing.
I hope that through the shared written experiences through these pages, I might be able to help someone see that they are not alone.
 My wish is to help people to become empowered over their illness and seek out the help they can get, and to do their own research.
I have shared a deal of my own research in this blog, in hopes that it might aid someone else in their struggle.
I hope to connect and to share. To assist and to learn.
Welcome to Lyme, Out!

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