Saturday, September 26, 2015

September 2015

September 2015

I went back in to see the LLMD  this month. He had my blood labs back, which my insurance also covered, and told me that I was very healthy. My liver is in okay condition, and I have the kidneys of a small child, which is a good thing.

Then he told me to stop taking my Biaxin completely. He said I had a yeast build up, quite possibly from the prior months of no probiotic and a wealth of antibiotic. He is also sending me home with a blood lab test for Candida.

Many people with Lyme often have co infections like Babesia or  Bartonella. I was lucky to get my prior labs back and have none.

He didn't tell me I had to, but I opted for the Candida diet, in case I do have it.

I am worried about not being on antibiotic, but I cannot be on antibiotic with a yeast build up, so we are looking into Herbalism.

My new list of meds and directions are more rest, Jarro Dophilus, Vitamin D3, Nystatin (I am allergic to Difflucan), Alcornea tincture, and LB Core Protocol by Green Dragon. I hope this doc knows what he's doing.

I'm waiting for the LB Protocol in the mail currently, as it takes ten days to ship. I am not on anything right now for the Lyme, which also worries me.

I have terrible lethargy and pain all over my body from time to time. My hands get tight and stiff and feel arthritic, and I get awful headaches.

My cycle this month was fairly painful, and my sex drive is at an all time low from being sick. I wake up and then want to go right back to sleep everyday. I feel so heavy when I walk.

Each time I stand, my body treats me like I've stood up to fast even when I hadn't. My head gets all rushy and starry.

I tried to eat a stick of string mozz cheese the other night, and it made me very sick. Within the hour I had stomach pains that felt akin to menstrual cramps and diarrhea. Apparently, I have a dairy allergy. Which really is awful, because I used to love dairy and dairy filled foods.

My back is broke out from waking up with fevers and sweating all through the night. It's difficult to make myself do much of anything, I get so tired.

My friends and family keep trying to make plans with me, and I dread them because of how unpredictable my symptoms are. I feel like I'm missing out on the last of my 20's.

I have been able to do some of the shorter hikes with friends, which is always a good outing.

The picture above is from my last hike/rock climb at Mt. Tammany, NJ. This was at the tippy top. :)

The days are getting longer, and time seems to be moving slower. I'm just tired of feeling sick and tired all of the time.

When my anxiety and depression of the situation get the best of me, I have gotten into the habit of stopping myself and staying in the moment, and also, of remaining grateful for the positive things. Grateful-List making days and one day at a time practices are necessities in this thing.

If anyone out there is reading and knows, do you think I'll ever get better? Have you or has anyone you know recovered fully? What was life like for them afterwards?


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