Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Was Lyme Disease Created on Plum Island?

Plum Island, Project Paperclip and Lyme Disease...

I'm not usually one for conspiracies.

Okay, okay. I'm not usually one for MOST conspiracies, but anyone who does any kind of research on Lyme Disease will eventually stumble across the many pages written about Lyme actually being created at the biological testing facility center on the island, called the Plum Island Animal Disease Center.

 The center is not even ten miles away from Old Lyme Connecticut, the place where the first known case of Lyme disease was stumbled upon in 1975. A coincidence?

Apparently the Center also has a tick lab.

Rumor has it, that Plum Island recruited a Nazi named Erich Traub after WWII. He was apparently a biological weapons director and his specialties were infecting mosquitoes and ticks with biological germs.

Is it possible that one of these ticks or a mosquito (Lyme is in mosquitoes also) jumped on to a person, animal or boat and then started infecting people in Lyme?

It is interesting to consider, considering all of the controversy surrounding Lyme Disease, and the fact that no one wants to treat it or touch it.

Doctors and professionals really do treat you like you're insane if you are sick with Lyme, stating that there's no possible way it could have survived afterward. The doctor that I first spoke of in my post about the ER visit tried to pull that one on me, but I knew better from other people that had gone through it all before me.

I've talked with my LLMD multiple times about how Lyme patients are neglected in society and suffer immensely. And for what? We both agreed on the same thing.


There are alot of reputable sites that back up the Plum Island (Project Paperclip) Story, as well as some that I wouldn't trust.

National Geographic questions it. But they also believe in Mermaids. :)

Have a good night, fellow Lymies and readers. Tonight is going to be a long one for me.

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