Saturday, September 26, 2015

July 2015- Herx's, Herbals and Lyme on the Road

July 2015

                                                     (Rio Grande, 2015 cross country Trip)

In the month of July I experienced multiple new things Lyme related. 

I had the worst period of my life. It was so painful I couldn't even move. The PMS was also horrible. 

I also encountered my first Herx reactions after I added herbs to my treatment. The Samento was very powerful. 

My Herx's made me feel like I was going crazy, and then my entire body would tense up. It felt like arthritis was stiffening every muscle in my body. I also started experiencing a zapping feeling in all of my limbs that made me feel like I was being electrocuted. It was very painful.

I had a dull throbbing in my lower back above my butt, and it made it hard for me to bend or walk. It felt like there was a rod there. 

My boyfriend was working out of town, so this all was pretty difficult to manage on my own. 

I started using anti inflammatory herbs and medication. I took Turmeric capsules after studying any know drug interactions, and I took Advil and Ibuprofen which served to be miracle drugs for me, as it made the inflammation tolerable. 

I started getting very anxious and depressed during this month. I was worried that I would end up like some of those with chronic Lyme, suffering forever. I was worried that it would get worse and then kill me. I felt like I was watching my life pass by me. 

I wasn't able to get out much anymore, besides an occasional walk. Exercise is good for the immune system, so I tried to continue with as best as I could. Before I got bit, I was running 5 miles a day easily, and going on 15-20 mile hikes in a day. I could no longer do the running with the Lyme and I can only hike so much now. I felt so limited.

I thought about killing myself a few times this month. That my life was considered done right here and there. I had already had a fairly tough life, and this just added to my plate. I felt like I was just starting to get my life back in order, and then this happens.  

I said at first that I didn't want to go on the road trip my partner and I had planned for this month. I was so sick, and I didn't feel I'd enjoy it at all. I wasn't even supposed to be in the sun on  Doxycycline because it can leave you with an awful rash. 

At the last minute, I told him we should just go anyways, and he promised that if anything bad happened, we'd find a way to take care of it. He made me a nest in the back of his vehicle, equipped with an air mattress and pillows and comfy blankets and stuffed animals, and he put plenty of water there for me along with a bag of my medicines and other doodads to keep me occupied on the long drive. Then, together, we made our way across the U.S.A.

We did what we started to call A.D.D. traveling, where we go from place to place until we run out of time and then have to head home.

(Hiking the Grand Canyon while sick is no fun, but  I did it!!)

In two weeks, we visited Chicago, South Dakotah, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. I was okay for most of the trip. 

There were sometimes I needed to just rest, and I did in the back. I had a couple Herxheimer reactions and I drank water, rested and took ibuprofen and was okay. I was even able to hike each spot without tiring too easily.

Decent food on the road was difficult to come by, and the trip was a fairly challenging one, but we made work, and it was actually pretty awesome. I was so grateful that I was still able to hike. 

Me taking in the Badlands, SD for my birthday, 2015,
Lyme, you won't hold me back

July continued on after the trip, with the same symptoms and issues. 

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