Sunday, December 20, 2015

Mad World and a Prayer

December 2015

Mad World and Prayers

Awareness makes me weak in the knees. To go back in time to June on that fateful Strawberry Moon and become infected with Lyme Disease all over again, and let's imagine things were different.

Had I not been informed prior by friends and others with Lyme, I would never have known to speak up for myself and against all of the doctors telling me that I would be fine after a month of antibiotic. I would have gone back home, still feeling crappy and when my symptoms progressively continued to get worse, I'd have done what many people abused by the health care system had done and gone back to the doctor and explain that I am still ill and want to feel better. Then, they would have proceeded to tell me that I was crazy. That I had been imagining my symptoms. Then, the Lyme would have slowly but surely taken over my body. Eventually, I would have died.

People DO die from health complications caused by Lyme Disease. It usually manifests as inflammation in the heart (a heart attack) or inflammation in the brain (seizures). The symptoms that lead up to these final stages are many, and include but are not limited to Alzheimer symptoms, dementia, paralysis and major arthritic pain and discomfort.

I can only imagine how many people have died this way, and my heart cries out to all of them and to their families.

Had I not had the means to afford an LLMD (Lyme Literate Doctor) I might have suffered that same fate. Who knows? In the future I might not be able to afford one or obtain one, and treatment for Lyme is open ended.

LLMD's can be pricey, and insurance does not cover anything, beside some prescriptions and the lab tests. The vitamins, food and water you consume are what's important for the immune system to do it's thing, and none of this stuff is cheap. There is also usually a distance to drive, and the time and money for gas can be hard to come by also.

Once again. I think of all of the people that don't have the funds to treat their Lyme. The destitute and the disabled. The elderly. What about children with Lyme? Doctors lie to their parents and then they suffer in their entire lives in silence, thinking that the pain is normal.

I feel sick to my stomach when I think of how I evaded this death by luck in circumstance, and how it may be my end in the future. I think about how many people suffered with Lyme until they died from it, all because they were either misguided by those they thought they could trust or because they didn't have enough money.

I think about those who are suffering right now because of money, because of misinformation, because of greed.

I wish I could help them all.

America is the only place that I know of that has LLMD's. Canada doesn't have any even.

In other countries, people are suffering and dying from Lyme disease due to a number of things including lack of education and lack of means.

There are people walking around right now, amongst all of us, that have Lyme Disease and don't know it.

A woman I spoke to at MD Junction (A GREAT forum full of information and great people for Lyme support) said that she had just assumed that her symptoms came naturally with middle age. The tiredness, brain fog and arthritis. She found she had Lyme and Coinfections. Lyme left untreated is lethal. Had she not found out, she would have died.

There simply isn't enough awareness. With awareness come questions. With questions come conversation. With conversation, more learn and things get done. The chance of mass hysteria and demanding of proper treatment for Lyme patients certainly wouldn't hurt either.

My prayers (wishes/intentions/vibrations etc.) tonight go out to all of the suffering. The light within shines toward to them and to their families. May they find peace and eventually rest from this jilted reality.

My prayers go to the doctors behind Lyme research. My they one day find a cure for this increasing epidemic.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Grateful Post, 2015 :)

Grateful Post:

I genuinely believe that with any disease, trauma or life transition, a constant check of what we are grateful is necessary and reassuring. Too often do we polarize events and get hung up on the negative sides of things.

With every dark there is a light, so I've decided to devote this post to the light side of Lyme Disease, followed by a list of things I am thankful for. One of the plus sides of actually writing the list is that it may be viewed during times of sadness as a reminder of the things we do have, keeping the sorrow at bay.

If anyone gets too sad, please write to me, talk to someone in your support system (friends or family) or call the Response Hotline available 24/7.

Their number is (631) 751-7500


The Light side of Lyme Disease:

-I've been spending a lot of time at home, which has given me ample time to work on projects, complete things that I usually have a hard time finishing and of course, write to you all. :)

-I've been really listening to my dreams and my body during this down time. It's like getting to know myself all over again and in different ways.

-I've been eating better than I ever have, and really focusing on my nutrition and putting money into it. I always used to just eat something quick and go. Now I am taking my time and eating properly. I've also been hydrating properly for the first time really ever.

-I'm learning how to cook all sorts of wonderful things that challenge the SAD, which excites me.

- My entire life style is changing for the healthier.

-I've always been an extreme person, and this illness is teaching me to see the world in a balance.

-I am gaining so much more respect for myself. I combat every horrible symptom, and then I get through them. My body even as I'm typing is warm from fighting off the Lyme. This means that it is doing what it is supposed to do without any problems.

-I am learning to seek pleasure and happiness out of much more than food, sex or intoxicants. Many of my friends have not reached this place, and some others will never.

Those are just some of the light side of things that I can quickly jot down off the top of my head.

Can you see the light side in your life? Lyme or no Lyme, this is an important and useful strategy.

Grateful List:

I am grateful for a chance to recover and to heal.

I am grateful to have the resources to eat the way that I need to to heal.

I am grateful to be warm and comfortable in my new home.

I am grateful to have good water here to quicken my healing.

I am grateful for a good mind and a big heart.

I am grateful for a working body that is on my side for the fighting of this disease.

I am grateful to not have to work if I can't while I'm healing.

I am grateful for the option of full recovery during remission.

I am grateful for a good Lyme doctor.

I am grateful that I live in a country that has lyme literate physicians. So many people in other countries die from Lyme as it goes untreated.

I am grateful for the reminder that the American food pyramid and standard diet do nothing but harm and illness for others.

I am grateful for awareness.

I am gratfeul for days I feel normal.

Those are some things I am grateful for. Can you think of reasons to be grateful, despite this disease? Write them down to remind yourself.

December 2015

New Symptoms Rising With Increase of Medicine, and old ones make a come back

On 8-9 pills of the Buhner Core Protocol daily, I have been experiencing a series of new symptoms, along with some of the old ones. That's the crazy thing about Lyme, some days you feel fine, and then all of a sudden you wake up feeling slammed.

It's been a very up and down process.

Loss of Appetite was there for a few weeks startign right around Thanksgiving. I'd get full off of nothing, and simply had no desire to eat at all. I did make myself eat somethings though.

Nausea has also made a come back, as well as the crushing sensation in my chest when I sleep.

Some of that is anxiety, and some is like air hunger.

I did some research, and Stephen Buhner mentions air hunger as a Lyme symptom, and he gives a generous list of herbal options to try to sooth this. One is Horehound.

I thought this might be inflammation, and possibly connected to a Herx reaction, so I got into an Epsom Salt bath and took three Ibuprofen (to take down the inflammation) and three capsules of Zen Life supplements stress and anxiety management.

Included in those capsules are calming herbs like Ashwaganda and Lemon Balm. Ashwaganda just also happens to be on Buhner's list for air hunger. These things worked well for me, and I was eventually able to sleep and rest peacefully without the sensation.

As with any of these posts, I am not a doctor, I simply am writing my experience and how my body has reacted to certain things.

My loss of appetite eventually came back on it's own, along with my sex drive which also veers in and out.

Motion sickness has made vehicular travelling close to impossible without me feeling very dizzy and ill.

My lethargy lately has been decently bad, and I have not been being very active. I feel like a portion of this is due to the change of the seasons as well.



My Frozen Yogurt Hell

My Frozen Yogurt Hell

Before I started using plastic to freeze my raw milk, I was using glass jars. I really do try to avoid plastic, but the following story shows how it is truly impractical.

I had a friend over, and I was getting ready to prepare a meal. As I opened my freezer door, I was disgruntled to find an exploded jar of milk, with remnants of the glass and the milk lining the freezer's bottom. My friend jokingly grabbed a spoon and said,

"When life gives you spilled milk, make frozen yogurt."

Then he made a gesture like he was scooping off the frozen liquid and eating it.

I saved this idea for when I was making my probiotic yogurt for the week next. I had made my weekly batch and one of the jars of it didn't quite turn out. It was soupy and kind of sour.

I then decided to make Raspberry Frozen Yogurt from the botched batch from a recipe that I found online, rather than wasting it.

The recipe called for Raspberries, 0ver a cup of Xylitol put in a blender and of course, the yogurt.

I was excited to try it.


Once it was finished, it stood purple and perfect. Glistening a little from the Xylitol.

I ate one serving, and it was so good, I ate two more. I should not have done this.

About two hours later, my stomach started churning and I started having a severe Herx reaction. I could not figure out why.

On top of this, I had severe diarrhea

These reactions were strong and lasted for two days.

I did some looking around, and found that Xylitol is actually used to fight Lyme and even prescribed by some LLMD's to their patients. This explains the Herx I had experienced.

I wish I would have known all of this before I had decided to use a recipe calling for so much of the sweetener. That could have been dangerous.



The Hunt for Raw Dairy

The Hunt for Raw Dairy

Yes, raw dairy is illegal. I have decided to add it to my treatment though, so that I might make probiotic yogurt from it and use a bit in recipes.

It took me quite a while to track down where to even find some of the dairy. I started at Farmer's Markets, and while there was plenty of raw cow, the goat milk remained elusive. I started asking questions and doing some research.

My mother has goats that she uses for milking, but she could only help me out with so much before I needed to find my own sources.

I eventually found a woman who owned a goat farm two hours from my home, and I drove there one day and bought the milk in bulk. It costs ten dollars a gallon, and I bought four gallons.

When I had returned home, I froze them all in plastic Ziplock bags fof future usage. Goat Milk stays good for up to six months frozen.

I've greatly reduced my dairy intake, and four gallons will last me a while.

When your food costs more and is harder to obtain, you really learn to appreciate it.

Later on during purchasing, this lady eventually ended up driving into my town, as to save me gas money, which I was very grateful for. I now have enough milk for the entire winter, should I need it.

Just call around and ask around, and you will find the things you need.

What's interesting about all of this, the diet changes and dairy sources, is that this is closer to a diet we as humans should be eating anyway.

One in 3,000 people will become sick from raw dairy. To me, that seems worth the risk to try it and reap the benefits. Especially now that a potentially fatal illness now runs through my veins.

Looking back for a cure, November 2015


"Those about to study medicine, and the younger physicians should light their torches at the fires of the ancients"

My mother taught me to question authority, but to do so tactfully, and to always do my own research. It would be much easier for me to sit back and let my LLMD do all of the work for me, but I have been blessed with an LLMD that even encourages me to do my own research and find some of my own answers, while he acts as a gentle guide.

In light of the last paragragh, I have been studying books of every kind, and have been concentrating on nutrition and herbal remedy. I've also been really branching out and asking everyone I know who has Lyme or anyone who knows someone with Lyme what they have done and what has or has not worked or been useful . All of these people, plus a plethora of books and web sites are my sources for my writing on this blog.

During my studies, I stumbled across multiple ancient texts on medicinals and healing, and a part of these was the Ebers Papyrus.

It is the oldest and most important medical Papyri of Ancient Egypt. It's herbal knowledge dates back to 1550 BC.

While a great deal of this book is sheer madness (they put feces, beer and excrement on EVERYTHING), they also had discovered some things that we still even use today, or that we had used for a time.

Examples of such are using poppies to stop a child from crying, using parts of a hog to treat indegestion in the form of wafers (Tums), and the use of Castor Oil as a laxative.

There was an abundance of wisdom in these chapters, and the ones I found interesting for my own personal healing concerning Lyme pertained to the usage of Garlic, Honey and Raw Milk.

Garlic is known for it's antibiotic and biofilm killing qualities when it comes to Lyme. I eat a few cloves raw on a daily. It can make you herx.

Raw honey in moderation (too much will feed Candida) can be used as an antibiotic also, and is full of living enzymes. It is a very healing food. I take Manuka Honey with tea daily, but I have also heard good things about Yemeni honey.

Raw Goat Milk is more like human milk and is not acidic like Cow Milk. There have been many people who claim their Lyme has been completely cured by drinking raw milk and by fasting on raw milk alone.

In the words of my LLMD, do the research. We live in a time where the world's largest library is available to all of us for free, and for some it comes hand held.

A Grainless Thanksgiving, 2015

A Grainless Thanksgiving

November 2015

As I've officially adopted a grainless, sugar and dairy free (beside raw goat milk) diet, I was concerned about how my holidays were going to turn out.

When we think of food for Thanksgiving, our minds intantly go to the pies, gravies, stuffings, mashed potatoes and other edible trademarks of the holiday.

determined to enjoy my holiday, I hunted for recipes that were both Candida and Lyme friendly, while being tasty.

I took recipes from the SCD diet, the Paleo diet and the Candida diet.

I ended up with a complete spread, including a pie, fudge and cinnamon role muffins. I even was able to make tarts!!

Mind you, this type of eating is not an everyday occurence, but was made for the holdays. A steady diet of these dishes could result eventually in a flare up of the Candida.

Below, I am sharing some of my recipes from Thanksgiving that usually require grain or dairy, but in the case of these do not.

Grainless Thanksgiving 2015:


-Grainless, dairy free sweet stuffing (This was DELICIOUS)

To make the bread:

GAPS Grain Free Banana Cake/Bread Recipe:

Wet ingredients:

-2 cups of almond butter

-4 medium bananas mashed

-4 eggs

-4 TBSPs honey (I reduced this to two due to using it for stuffing) plus one tsp vanilla extract

-2 tsps apple cider vinegar

-2 T butter, ghee or coconut oil

Dry ingredients:

-1 tsp cinnamon

-1 tsp baking soda

-1/2 teaspoon sea salt

-4 tbsps coconut flour


-Preheat oven to 350

-oil a a cake pan (I used a glass rectangular pan)

-Mix all dry ingredients together in a bowl

-In separate bowl, mix all wet ingredients

-Combine wet and dry ingredients together and mix together until combined

-Pour batter into pan and cook for 40 minutes, or until done. Cake should have risen slightly and look golden brown. (I have over cooked this, and it still turned out okay)

-Let pan cool for 15 minutes before cutting into

Once this bread is made, cut into stuffing cubes, and then put on a baking sheet, then put in the oven to dry for two days. If not completely dried by day two, turn oven on lowest setting and leave set for an hour.

The bread should not be as hard as croutons, but also should not be moist. This will only make your stuffing's texture either soggy or too hard. Continuously check your stuffing to make usre the consistence is right. You can also add Parsely to your cubes while drying them. This stuffing recipe is very herby and aromatic.

Stuffing Ingredients:

-Cubed Stuffing squares

-1/4 cup fresh parsley

-2 tbsp coconut oil

-1/2 red onion diced (I used yellow)

-4 celery sticks diced

-2 teaspoons dried Thyme leaves

-1 Teaspoon dried Rosemary

-1/2 tsp dried ground sage

-1/4 tsp black pepper

-1/4 teaspoon Himalayan rock salt

-1/4 teaspoon ground Ginger

-1/4 teaspoon ground Cinnamon

-1 cup home made beef broth

Directions for Stuffing:

-Toss fresh Parsley and bread chunks in a large bowl and set aside

-Preheat oven for 350 and light grease a casserole dish with coconut oil

-Heat oil in a large pan on medium high heat, to cook onion for five minutes or until soft, then add celery, thyme, rosemary, sage, pepper, salt, ginger and cinnamon. Cook for another three minutes.

-Remove from heat and add vegetable mixture to bread. Toss and combine, don't overmix.

-Pour beef broth over the top of bread, then toss. don't over mix

-Add all to prepared casserole dish

-Cover and bake for 30 minutes

-Remove from Oven and let sit with the cover for five minutes


Mashed Cauliflower and Butternut Squash (in place of mashed potatoes):


1/4 cup milk, milk alternative or chicken broth

1 large head of cauliflower

1 medium butternut squash

1 tsp garlic powder

Pinch salt or pepper (to taste)


Cook Cauliflower and Butternut until tender

(Boil Cauliflower for 15 minutes, Bake squash at 325 for 45-50 minutes)

Once tender, peel the squash, remove seeds and cut in half lengthwise

place cauliflower in blender with two Tbsps milk, 1/2 tsp. Garlic Powder, and salt and pepper to taste. Blen until smooth. Spoon into serving dish.

Top with chopped chives, and you can also add an extra clove of baked garlic to the ingredients in the blender for extra taste.

Almond Butter Freezer Fudge:

-1 cup, raw unsalted almond butter

-1/4 cup coconut oil, softened

-1/2 teaspoon sea salt

1/2 Tablespoon vanilla

(I've made this without any sweetener, and it still tasted great)

Mix all ingredients together until smooth and creamy, and then place in a square baking dish, lined with parchment paper, smooth with spatula, freeze until solid. (One hour or Two)

I always double this recipe to get thicker pieces. It's really so good.

I also skipped the sweetener, and put a sprinkle of Xylitol over it all after it was finished


Pumpkin Pie

Paleo Pie Crust:

2 cups blanched almond flour

1/4 teaspoon Celtic sea salt

-2 tbsp coconut oil

-1 large egg

Blend all ingredients, form a ball, press dough into a 9 inch pie dish, bake for 8-12 minutes at 350

Pumpkin Pie filling:

Blend 1 can pumpkin puree, 1/2 cup raw goat milk (or almond milk), 3 eggs, 1 Tsp Vanilla Extract, 1/4 tsp salt, 1 teaspoon ground Ginger, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (I added more), 1/2 teaspoon ground Nutmeg, 1/2 cup honey

Blend all well, and then layer into the pie crust

bake at 350 for 30 minutes, let pie cool


Happy Holidays!!





Monday, November 2, 2015

Lyme Disease and Raw Milk..

When I had first met my LLMD, he explained to me the importance of raw dairy during Lyme treatment, as I hadn't been doing much dairy at all.

He suggested that I read a study called "Pottenger's Cats."

He briefly went through the book with me.

A man had two sets of cats. One was fed raw milk and the other was fed pasteurized. The cats on the raw milk thrived, while the cats on the pasteurized died.

Isn't drinking unpasteurized milk dangerous? That's why it's illegal to sell, right?

So wrong.

While it is possible to get sick from unpasteurized milk, it is very rare. So rare that one in 6 million people (from what I've read on various sites) will fall ill.

Raw milk has many health benefits, including being a good source of natural probiotic, enzymes and other vitamins and nutrients. So many, that even people that end up having a dairy allergy to pasteurized dairy can usually tolerate it.

There are many websites online and blogs created by people with Lyme Disease that swear by it for healing. Just type into your search engine, Lyme Disease and Raw Milk. An entire universe of accounts appears.

Some people even claim to have cured debilitating Lyme with Raw Milk Fasting.

Raw milk is even a dairy that is allowed and incorporated in Candida healing.

Personally, I've scouted out where to get raw milk in my town, and I am even lucky enough to have a mother that gives me fresh goats milk from her own goats.

I drink the milk on it's own, add it to baked fruits in the morning as a cereal/oatmeal substitute and I also make the raw milk yogurt that is listed on both the SCD diet and the Paleo Diet.

I, personally, have found the yogurt the most beneficial.

You make it the same way as you make any other yogurt. Heating the milk, and using a thermometer to watch until it rises til at least 180 degree, and then pour it into a Mason Jar. Let it cool at room temperature (submerging the closed jar in a bath of ice water, and then mix in your starter (probiotic yogurt) and then let it ferment for 24 hours inside of your stove.

If you'd like an exact recipe, ask away and I'll get you one as soon as I can.

Take care, Reader!!

Candida Tongue Check, after one month of treatment.

My tongue, during the first week
of treatment
One of the most common physical characteristics of Candida Albicans
is a stereotypical white coat on the tongue. It is a form of Thrush, just
like infants get. 
As you can see from the photo of my tongue up top, my visual yeast was
geared more toward the back of my tongue, and not very severe.
I have seen other people's photos online, and even some people I know
that I now realize have severe Candida from their tongues, and mine is mild
in comparison.
What I find interesting, is that one of my Candida symptoms when it was
starting to get bad on the Lyme antibiotics, was sore throat.
Here, we see the yeast growing on the back of my tongue, toward my throat.
it would make sense if these two aspects were connected to each other.
Regimen: Oral Nystatin, Hydration, Bentonite Clay, Probiotic,
Probiotic Yogurt, Alchornea Leaf tincture and the SCD modified version of diet for Candida
as well as TONS of home made Probiotic yogurt and Raw Milk.
My tongue after one month of Candida Treatment
Did you notice how pink and healthy it looks!!!?? I can see a major difference
from one image to the next. There still appears to be a little of the film left, but I am still
going to be treated for three more months after this.
As for symptoms, I have had no sore throat, no head aches, no major mood swings and only minor fog brain. All in all, I  feel as though what I am doing is working.
I can't wait to see what it looks like after the entire four months!!!
Will post final results!!!


End of October, Early November, 2015~


"Nature itself is the best physician."

                       Dear Reader,
                        I am pleased to be able to report that I am up to five of the Lyme Core Protocol  
                        supplements a day (on my way to six a day until I reach twelve week by week),
                        and show no signs of worsening symptoms, and very minor symptoms for both        
                        Lyme and the Candida overgrowth.
                        It is still a few months yet before I go to see the doctor and get my Candida lab work
                        back, My hope, is that it will show to be minor after all the changes I've made and
                        healing work I've been doing.
                        The SCD diet agrees with me greatly, and I have been making sure to keep on my
                        outdoor adventures. The mountains really help so much.
                        It's a fine mixture of the sweat on the hike, the knowledge along the trail (I'm 
                        continuing to develop my woodland identification knowledge), the company I have
                        with me on my adventures, and the scenery.
                        I personally find the process beneficial to mind, body and soul.
                        When I first realized that I had Lyme disease, I had feared that I would not be able to
                         hike again, or lead any kind of a normal life.
                        I celebrate each symptom less day, and find in each one multiple blessings.
                        I still have not bathed in the city water that we have at our current home                   nor have       I ingested  it orally, and I believe that this has aided in my health.
                        On an ecstatic note: WE GOT THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!
                        In prior writings, I had mentioned that we has been on the lookout for a house with
                        good well water and enough land to grow food on, and here this month we have been
                        with a house that has both to offer.
                       This past weekend was Halloween weekend, and I spent it packing and preparing
                       for a garden to start by the Spring. I hope to be able to grow the many vegetables and
                       berries that I have to eat and pay a decent price for at the market.
                       I have also made contacts and am able to start buying fresh grassfed cow meat
                       straight from the farm, and a decent source of raw milk.
                       So far things are coming together for me nutritionally, which leaves me feeling
                       hopeful for the future.
                       I do plan on recovering fully, and leaving this all behind me.
                       So far, I've had to change the way I eat and cook completely, the way I manage my
                       stress and some behaviors, my residence and even how much I bathed for a short
                       while there before we found the house. 
                       These sacrifices and changes will benefit my future, and I feel that something as    s                      severe  as  Lyme Disease should have a defense just as serious right back at it.
                         I find myself feeling grateful that I have caught this disease early enough, as well as
                        having the ability to move, eat the way I need to and supplement myself properly. I
                         am also grateful that I am not dragging children and a family through this ordeal with
                         me. I can't even begin to imagine how taxing this all would be for some families, and
                         parts of it (like the change of residence) impossible.
                        When the worst becomes worst, I think of these things. And get outside. Alas! The
                        winter comes, and I dread cabin fever and the wanting to venture out of doors when
                        it might be better for me to stay put.
                         I'll find something out, that's for certain.
                         Tonight, I leave you nearly symptom free, and hoping to stay good and on course.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

A 5300 year old Mummy with Lyme?

Apparently there have been many sources that say that Otzi the Iceman, a 5300 year old frozen mountain man, carried Borrelia burgadorferi.

It is said that they found a diseased tick carrying the disease with him, petrified in a Jurassic Park- Style piece of amber.

If this is true, it makes my post on Plum Island now look like a complete load of lunacy, which it could very well be.

But, couldn't we make another conspiracy from this entire thing as well?

The media is being manipulated by our government swaying the masses to believe that Lyme is ancient rather than newfound, so then the rising Lyme epidemic can no longer be blamed on them for their heinous unleashing of animal projects on the Island.

The media has never been used to control common belief or opinion, like, ever.

Otzi the Mummy is real, his Lyme disease, farfetched, as a diversion from the truth.


That was my initial conspiracy jab. Anyone else out there got one? I'd love to hear your take.

The thing about truth is that there are multiple truths, as truth can be subjective compared to fact. There is a difference.

Interestingly enough, Otzi was also found carrying a satchel.

In this satchel there was an item I had happened to cover in a previous post.

>>>>>>>Drum Roll Inserted Here

Chaga Mushroom. (Tada!!!)

The plot thickens.

Experts say that he probably used the Chaga for firewood, because Chaga has many layers and would probably burn for a long time. Others think that Otzi knew more of his ailment and more of the Chaga itself, and that perhaps he was using it to treat himself.

Maybe he did not know it was Lyme disease exactly, but he felt the intense joint pain and sought physical refuge by using the Chaga as medicine.

The answer to all of these wonderings lie suspended in time, blocked in an eternal mystery.

We will never know what happened then. Or the truth about any shred of it.

We are limited in any actual recording of history, simply because we have not the capability to
witness it for ourselves.

 Otzi's secrets lie dormant, beneath the layers of ice and snow, frozen for the duration.

Good night, Dear Reader.

Chaga Mushroom and Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease and the Chaga Mushroom....

As I was out roaming about on a high mountain hike (which, I am not supposed to be going on 7 mile hikes right now, but found myself doing it anyways). As I was walking around the third mile, I saw a black hunk of something growing on an older Birch along the trail.

As I mentioned in my very first post from June on Strawberry Moon 2015, I had been dabbling in some foraging with a friend, and I had recognized the mass almost instantly.

It was Chaga Mushroom (a fungus).

I grabbed a stone a knocked it out of the tree, and then brought it home in my pack.

I already knew that Chaga was known for it's anti Cancer abilities, it's name in other languages literally translates to "Cancer Polypore", and has been used in Folk Medicine for hundreds of years.

Chaga is a tree cancer that slowly kills the host tree, usually (and most identifiably) the Birch. The Birch tree itself is composed of Betulin. The porous fungus attached to the Birch soaks up the Betulin turning it into Betulinic Acid, which then can be either turned into tea (which seems to be a waste of Chaga to me as it only uses a tiny bit of it's potential medicine) or extracted and used as a tincture.

I brought the Chaga home with me, and I broke it apart with some tools to dry.

On the few days it took for it to dry, I delved even further into my research, and stumbled upon many pages online and sources that spoke about Chaga healing Lyme disease, or at least aiding in the process.

This excited me. I felt like it was a true gift from the trees, and that the universe was providing me with a natural tool to heal.

Apparently, Chaga helps with reducing inflammation, boosting metabolism, and detox and reparation of the liver. It is also an adaptogen, which helps the body release stress and toxins.

All of these things would correlate greatly in the fight against Lyme.

After the Chaga dried, I shaved some off for tea, and started the rest in a tincture.  I plan on doing an alcohol extraction first, followed by a hot water extraction.

By Spring, I should be able to add wildcrafted Chaga mushroom to my growing list of supplements.

The SCD diet for Candida (and helps with Lyme, too!)

Dear Reader,

I have been feeling AMAZING since I started the SCD diet for Candida. I have tons of energy, and I feel even a change in my mind. No depression, less anxiety, and no PMS. This is an amazing diet, and I feel it's a great choice for both Lyme and Candida.

They have even revised the Candida diet so then it is specifically for the treatment of Candida in the beginning two stages, with the third one resulting in the regular Candida diet.

The SCD (Specific Carb Diet) aims to heal and seal the gut. The place where all disease starts. It starves Candida, while nourishing the body and it eliminates items that aggravate Lyme such as sugar and grains.

There are testimonies everywhere online of people who have been treated with SCD that have cured their IBS, Crohn's Disease, Autism, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Candida, Celiacs and a list of others.

Step one for me was to go not just Gluten free, but Grain free completely.

Our bodies were not designed to eat abundances of grains or dairy products. We actually have only just started this trend in the last 400 years. It has absolutely everything to do with our agriculture. Before it, we were hunter gatherers.

So here we are with all of these mental and health problems, and we're taking all sorts of prescription pills for them, but we are still sick and never getting better. Why? Because we continue to poison ourselves and not heal our gut. I've said it before and I'll say it again, pharm meds are very rarely the answer, and most traditional doctors are not taught nearly enough of the things they should know (if any) about alternative healing. The two hand in hand are very powerful.

The SCD lay out is really more of how we are naturally designed to eat, and how the average human diet should be dining.

I apologize for the ranting!! Onto the SCD Diet For Candida:

Stage One (the stage I'm going through currently, and the most "difficult"):

Proteins: Eat as desired

Fruits, dried fruits and honey:

One serving of diluted fruit juice or one serving of cooked fruit every other day.

1-2 servings lemon or lime juice perday.

Use non sweet fruits as much as possible. (these are all listed on Pecan Bread's website)

Avoid dried fruits and honey


 Eat as much low and medium carb veggies as desired. (Lists on Pecan Bread)

1 serving of high carb veggies 1-2 times a week. Avoid if symptoms are severe/


-Limit Hard Cheeses to 1 serving per week (Check out SCD Legal/Illegal lists online)
-No mushrooms
-no vinegars. Use lemon juice.
-Avoid nuts, beside nut flours in recipes. (I personally go for Coconut Flour, as Almond flour can be tricky!!) They cannot be used every day.


Use 24 hour fermented yogurt or a SCD legal form, or a probiotic in capsule form. (I use Jarrow Dophilis, Allergen free)


(I use Alchornea tincture and Nystatin)

Also, drink plenty of good water, and eat plenty of good fats. Coconut oil, Olive oil and Butter and Ghee.

Stay on this until symptom free for a few weeks, and then advance to

Stage 2:

 Eat as desired

Fruits, Dried Fruits, Honey:
1 serving of diluted juice every day
1 serving cooked fruit every other day
Limit dried fruits to one serving 1-2 times a week. Stop if symptoms increase.
Limit small amounts of honey (1/2 of what a recipe calls for) Stop if symptoms increase or return

1 serving high carb veggie 1-2 times a week.
Eat as much low and medium carb veggies as desired.

Limit hard cheeses to two servings a week
no mushrooms
no vinegar
avoid nuts

Phase 3:

Go into Full SCD Diet.

This includes cheese eating as desired and more honey usage.

Once again, all of this information and more are both online and in the book, "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" by Elaine Gottschall

A lot of this diet is decently overwhelming for me, as I am just beginning and not only relearning how to cook, but also how to eat.

Although it is overwhelming, I am grateful for this chance to explore new foods, and not all of them have to be extremely pricey.

So far this week, I've eaten a big mug of veggie chicken soup (home made), two burger patties with onion and an egg sunny side up, and zuke noodle pasta, Haluski made without the noodles, an array of coconut flour breads still trying to find the best one, and Tacos with Romaine lettuce shells to name a few.

Healing can taste good if you allow yourself to seek the options.

October 2015, and the LB Protocol

Ello Reader!

Last month, as I have written,  I was taken off all antibiotics, and was placed on a mixture of Nystatin, Alchornea, Probiotic and LB Protocol by Green Dragon Supplements.

I have to take the supplements gradually increasing until I reach to 12 a day.

The Nystatin, Alchornea and Probiotic are for the Candida, and the Protocol is for the Lyme.

It's ingredients contain the following herbs:

Japanese Knotweed Root
Cats Claw Vine Bark
Andrographis Herb
Sasparilla Root
Dandelion Herb

In my earlier posts, I can recall feeling very hesitant and anxious for all of this to begin, but, now that I've been on it for a few weeks now, I'm feeling much more positive.

I haven't felt a major Lyme symptom in days. I have some minor fog brain, but I've had no pain, no nausea, nothing really.

I honestly believe that my Lyme might be very close to full remission, and that the rest of the symptoms I'm feeling are symptoms of the Candida. It is hard to tell at this point.

I've had a few decent Herxheimer reactions on the LB protocol so far. Just an overall ill feeling and racing anxiety. It's hard to describe with words. I guess you have to feel it.

Let me explain once again, my Herx reactions have been very minor compared to what they could be. My Lyme was caught very early.

I have finally ended the entire diet debate that I was going through and have made a final decision on which to follow. I have chosen the SCD diet. There is a special version of it that treats Candida, and I cannot see how it wouldn't help aid in Lyme treatment either.

So, all in all, so far in October, I am doing okay and starting to feel better. Lyme has it's ups and downs, and right now, we are currently UP.

I hope the worst of this is through.

Water source and Lyme/ Candida

Dear Reader,

I am writing today concerning water sources and how they could possibly affect both Lyme and Candida in a negative manner.

City water carries a multitude of things that can reduce your bodies immune system's ability to fight Lyme and can increase Candida's growth.

Heavy metals and toxins such as Fluoride can stop you from progressing in your attempts to heal yourself. They weaken the immune system, and make it harder for your liver to flush out toxins.

These things are often in our drinking and bathing water. It is even more harmful for one to bathe in the toxins than it is for one to drink them.

Chlorine and Chloramines kill the good gut flora that people are trying to pump back into themselves with probiotic, and one simply can't heal while ingesting these things.

People say, oh get a water filter. I did my research. The best filters are whole house filters which turn your water into Reverse Osmosis water. But there have been many studies showing that Reverse Osmosis water cannot be lived on. It is deficient in minerals. Even with ionizing the water afterwards, It cannot be lived on for life. These whole house filters are very costly, and only serve as a temporary fix.

As for individual filters, there are a million of them at varied prices, but absolutely none that get rid of ALL of the Chlorine. It is impossible for a shower.

You can pay hundreds of dollars for a Vitamin C shower head and special cartridges, but, test your water before and after, and you'll see it's reduced. Not eliminated.

So, what do we do? We won't get any better if we keep putting these chemicals in our bodies.

Here's what I've been doing.

My partner and I are searching for a new place to live with well water.

Even if it's a trailer, I do not care at this point. If the water isn't poisoning me, I'll take it.

We are currently looking at a house with good water, and will know in two days whether we got it or not. Keep your fingers crossed for us!! This could change the course of my recovery for the positive.

In the mean time, we live in a place that doesn't have Fluoride in the water. But there is a great deal of Chlorine in it.

I chose a Berkey Travel Filter. It's stainless steel and portable. If you get the Black Berkey Filters for it, it eliminates Chlorine and Fluoride by acclaimed 99 percent. It's really the best deal when it comes to individual filters.

I understand that it is bad for the environment, but I also use bottled water. I do recycle though. Do your research first and make sure the bottled water you are drinking doesn't have fluoride in it already. Many do.

For bathing, I have been going to friends and families homes and taking a quick shower if they have good water. I just bathe less often.

When I have to wash up at home, I turn the water on in my shower and stand away from the water so it isn't raining down on me. Then, I wash any parts that smell ripe with a cloth, fully avoiding a lot of the water. I also wash my hair in the tub with cleaning gloves on, not letting more than the top of my scalp touch the water.

It may sound silly, but it is what works for me right now. My health depends on it.

I remind myself constantly that this is only temporary until we can find a different place with better water.

I am determined to heal.

Big Berkey Water Filter

Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Lyme Diet and more

When I went into my first appointment with my LLMD, I was already in the midst of listening to my body for what it does and does not need.

For instance, I had already stopped eating most dairy and I had also cut back on gluten. I hadn't been eating any refined flours at all. Just whole eating.

I didn't realize then that alot of the sauces and condiments I was using were addled with sugars. From ketchup to spaghetti sauce to soy sauce even. Here I had thought I was doing a deal of good for myself, but I was actually draining "invisible" sugars into myself on a daily.

Apparently it wasn't as much as one of my doctor's average patients.

I went into his office with some symptoms that were aggravating for me, but he was shocked at how well I was doing. He told me, because of my diet, I am doing far better than a person not on it, and therefore will suffer less. He also told me, that because I am already so healthy, he doesn't see why  I should not be able to make complete recovery.

We never went through a specific diet for Lyme for me to be on, but he did have some pointers to aid me. If you are indeed looking for a Lyme diet and/or ideas, there are many books and websites devoted to the subject. I really enjoyed and found helpful and informative the site called "Tired of Lyme", which is written by another fellow Lymie with a more chronic condition. There is TONS of good stuff there.

The one thing he was adamant about was absolutely NO GLUTEN. Gluten and sugars can really speed up the process of Lyme, making us sicker faster. They help feed the spirochetes.

He also suggested no dairy unless raw goat milk or yogurt, which can be an excellent form of probiotic.

 He told me of a story/study called Pottenger's Cats. In this study, there were two sets of cats. Some were fed only raw milk, and they thrived, and the others were given pasteurized. They got very sickly, and I think some of them even died. I suggest reading it. I already knew the dangers of dairy and alot of the other staples of our American diet, and I hadn't been partaking in much if I could avoid it at all.

The freaky part of all of this is, I tried to eat a piece of Mozzerella string cheese before I started my new protocol, (Green Dragon Botanicals, LB Core), and I started to get stomach cramps, like I was starting my period early. Then in the next 45 minutes, I had awful diarrhea. I had developed a food allergy after abstaining. I could really see where my body's sensitivities were. Why am I not allergic to goat milk then? I have no idea. I can only assume that it has something to do with the processing.

For a few days I literally felt like I was dying, and I found out it was because I had eaten a bit of turkey lunch meat on those days. All of the excess sugars and nitrates are horrifyingly strong to me. As soon as I stopped eating it, I felt instantly better. No exaggerations.

Anyone who has Lyme, I would suggest (backed up by my Lyme MD and studies that I had done prior to having Lyme) that no gluten and no dairy are a must. Minimal dairy if you can help it. Dairy was never meant to be a staple. It was always supposed to be used sparingly. The food pyramid is a joke.

Fill your days up with lots of greens and a more Paleo type of diet if you can.

Also, I started putting Garlic in absolutely everything, and also eating some of the bulbs raw with a class of Pink Himalayan Salt Water at night when watching a movie with my boyfriend in place of popcorn.

I had never been a huge sweets or fruits type of person. I indulged in some citrus fruits, like grape fruit and oranges, and sometimes apples from time to time. I always saw sweets as very unnecessary eating. I guess I'm a weird chick, as unnecessary eating seems to be a trend here in the states. Did you know that we are the one of the only countries that eats to feel full, instead of just eat to sustain the self? And it's heralded to be a glutton. I find it gross, when so many others are starving in other countries and even (and  much lesser spoken about) our own country.

Ever get a craving for booze, sweets or carbs? I used to all of the time. Here I am finding out that that symptom, coupled with a few others, are symptoms of Candida Albicans overgrowth. It is a fungus in your body making you crave these things.

Now that I have both Candida and Lyme, I have had to eliminate nearly all sugars from my diet. I am currently going through sugar withdrawal, but I am certain I will make it out just fine, and even better and stronger.

Psych meds, Birth control, Stress, Alcohol, a carby diet and antibiotics can all aid to an overgrowth of this normally beneficial yeast. I've been a hostage of parts of this lifestyle from as early as 14. Possibly even before all of that. You are supposed to be on probiotic through all of these things, and I had never once heard of the necessity of one from doctor nor guardian growing up. Pharma doesn't care about your health, they care about your money.

Currently I am in the process of healing from Lyme, Candida and also a lifetime of damage to my gut.

I believe that the body is very capable of regenerating, granted it isn't being filled with even more toxins. Just like the invisible sugars mentioned earlier, there are also invisible toxins that could be keeping you sick longer in many things, even your water.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Was Lyme Disease Created on Plum Island?

Plum Island, Project Paperclip and Lyme Disease...

I'm not usually one for conspiracies.

Okay, okay. I'm not usually one for MOST conspiracies, but anyone who does any kind of research on Lyme Disease will eventually stumble across the many pages written about Lyme actually being created at the biological testing facility center on the island, called the Plum Island Animal Disease Center.

 The center is not even ten miles away from Old Lyme Connecticut, the place where the first known case of Lyme disease was stumbled upon in 1975. A coincidence?

Apparently the Center also has a tick lab.

Rumor has it, that Plum Island recruited a Nazi named Erich Traub after WWII. He was apparently a biological weapons director and his specialties were infecting mosquitoes and ticks with biological germs.

Is it possible that one of these ticks or a mosquito (Lyme is in mosquitoes also) jumped on to a person, animal or boat and then started infecting people in Lyme?

It is interesting to consider, considering all of the controversy surrounding Lyme Disease, and the fact that no one wants to treat it or touch it.

Doctors and professionals really do treat you like you're insane if you are sick with Lyme, stating that there's no possible way it could have survived afterward. The doctor that I first spoke of in my post about the ER visit tried to pull that one on me, but I knew better from other people that had gone through it all before me.

I've talked with my LLMD multiple times about how Lyme patients are neglected in society and suffer immensely. And for what? We both agreed on the same thing.


There are alot of reputable sites that back up the Plum Island (Project Paperclip) Story, as well as some that I wouldn't trust.

National Geographic questions it. But they also believe in Mermaids. :)

Have a good night, fellow Lymies and readers. Tonight is going to be a long one for me.

Monday, September 28, 2015

GAPS Diet better for Candida? And possibly good for Lyme as well?

Researching and researching right before I start my new protocol, and I've found multiple pieces written on the GAPS diet being beneficial for Lyme and Candida, possibly even better for Candida than the Candida diet.

The Candida diet only works partially, and doesn't heal anything, because they continue to allow the usage of grains (that are unglutinous) and starchy vegetables like potatoes eventually.
The GAPS diet is a two year diet whom's mission serves to ultimately heal up the gut.

This all has me curious now, as to which diet would actually be more beneficial, as I have also read that the GAPS diet is not specifically structured for Candida. Does that mean it might make the yeast worse?

So confusing!

If you don't eat any sugars at all for a long time (say the two years of the GAPS diet), won't your body react badly to it?

Surprisingly enough, my LLMD knows nothing about the Candida diet.

I am already on Nystatin, a good probiotic and Alcornea. I just need the right diet to compliment the treatment.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Candida Diet

I covered briefly that the Candida diet is a rigid one. Just how rigid is it?

Foods to avoid:

-Sugars (Honey,Sugar,Cane Sugar,Syrup,Chocolate, Molasses, Rice syrup and artificial sweeteners)

-Alcohol (Wine,Beer,Spirits,Liquors,Cider)

-Grains and Glutinous Food (Corn by products, like popcorn, Anything made with Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley, White bread, Rye Bread, Pasta, Spelt products, Corn and Corn by products.

-Fruit (Fresh fruit,Dried fruit, Canned fruit, Fruit juice)

-Vegetables (Potatoes, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Yams, Beets, Peas, Parsnips)

-Meats (All pork products, Cured meats, Processed meats, Smoked or Vacuum packed meats)

-Fish (all fish except for wild salmon, sardines and shellfish)

-Dairy Product (Cheese, Milk, Cream, Whey products)

-Additives and Preservatives (Citric acid, anything you don't know or Can't pronounce)

-Other beverages (Coffee, black and green tea, diet and regular soda, energy drinks, fruit juices)

-Nuts- (Cashews, Peanuts, Pistachios)

Beans- (Beans and other legumes, chickpeas, Tofu, Soy Cheese, Soy Milk, All soy products)

-Mushrooms- (Mushrooms and Truffles)

-Condiments- (Ketchup, Mayo, Mustard, relsih, Horse Radish, Soy sauce) (Tomato sauce and tomato paste can contain hidden sugars)

-Vinegar- (All vinegar besides apple cider vinegar)

-Fats and oils- (Peanut oil, Corn oil, Canola oil, Soy oil)

With a list like this, one wonders what is there left to eat?

-Vegetables- Artichokes, Asparagus, Avocado, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Celery, Cucumber, Eggplant, raw Garlic, Kale, Olives, Onions, Rutabaga, Spinach, Tomatoes, Zucchini (Eat them fresh and raw, steamed or grilled)

-Live Yogurt Cultures- Probiotic, Yogurt, Kefir

-Meat and Eggs- Beef, Chicken, Lamb, Turkey, Eggs

-Fish- Anchovies, Herring, Sardines, Wild Salmon

-Nuts and Seeds- Almonds, Coconut Meat, Flax seed, Hazlenuts, Pecans, Sunflower seeds, walnuts

-Non Glutinous Grains- Buckwheat, Millet, Oat Bran, Quinoa

-Herbs and Spices- Basil, Black pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves, dill, Garlic, Oregano, Paprika, Rosemary, Thyme, Turmeric

-Oils- Virgin Coconut oil, Olive oil, Sesame Oil, Flax Oil, Coconut Oil, Red Palm Oil

-Seasoning- Black Pepper, Sea Salt, Lemon juice, Cocnut, Aminos, Apple Cider Vinegar,

Beverages-Chicory root coffee, Cinnamon Tea, Peppermint tea, Ginger Tea, licorice Tea

-Sweeteners- Stevia, Xylitol

I did notice that there was nothing about brown rice, which I use at times, and plan to use.

If anyone has any recipe ideas, for either this or the Lyme diet, please feel free to post them. I'd love to hear them and desperately need ideas.

September 27, 2015...Still waiting for LB core protocol and anxiety reigns supreme

Today I did some more research, and I read that after remission, Lyme can come back and often does. Does this mean I'll have to be on medication forever? Will I have to always be waiting for remission to end and then head back to an LLMD every time it comes back?

So basically, my LLMD owns me now? I truly hope this isn't the case. I don't think I could handle it.

I was also reading, and saw that many people's brains were affected with lesions from Lyme. Does this stuff go away? Will I ever be able to lead a normal existence again? What if I can't afford the treatment everytime?

Lyme can be fatal if not treated, but it never really goes away, so does that mean it's killing me now?

What about when I'm old?

I just want to go back to how I used to be. I don't want to have to depend on a doctor for the rest of my life.

Needless to say, my anxiety is not doing the best today. I have been really anxious as I'm waiting for my LB Core protocol to come in the mail, and right now I'm on nothing to fight anything but the Candida.

Two deep breaths, and time to stop stressing, and take it one step at a time.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Candida Symptoms

Candida is a very common co occurrence when placed on months of antibiotic. If you read my journal entries after Strawberry Moon, you'll see how long I was on antibiotic without a decent probiotic and how quickly Candida had developed in my unprotected system.

Candida is a yeast that is already in our bodies, but the overgrowth and lack of good flora is when it becomes an issue.

Antibiotics can help kill Lyme, but they wipe out your natural biota. 

I was using different foods for probiotic, like ginger beer, Miso soup and Goat's milk Yogurt. I also used an oral probiotic that I had purchased, and it's name was Probi 30 Billion. None of these things are enough when it comes to being on heavy antibiotic, and many vitamins and supplements sold in stores are merely placebo. Jarro Dophilis EPS by Jarrow Formulas is a good one, and you can find it affordably on Amazon. 

Also, anyone using Kombucha for probiotic, or drinking too much of it at all should really stop. I understand that it's a trend right now, but if you do the research it's not as good for you as claimed to be, and can even make the build up worst. 

The symptoms of Candida are actually very similar to the symptoms of Lyme disease. These include the following: 

-Inability to focus
-Poor Memory
-Brain Fog
-Crying Spells
-Panic Attacks
-Low Libido
-Persistent Extreme Fatigue
-Craving for sweets and alcohol
-Poor Cooridination

-Acid Reflux
-Stomach Cramps
-Burping After Meals
-Mucus in Stool
-Itching Anus

-Night Sweats
-Fungal Infections
-Athlete's Foot
-Body Odor

-Swollen lower lip
-Metallic taste in mouth
-Bad breath
-Canker sores
-Bleeding gums
-Cracked tongue

-Persistent cough
-Mucus in throat
-Sore throat
-Sinus congestion
-Chronic post nasal drip
-Flu like symptoms

-Eye pain
-itchy eyes
-Light sensitivity
-Blurred vision
-Bags under eyes
-Ringing in ears
-Ear infections

-Recurring yeast infections
-recurring UTIs
-PMS/Mentrual Irregularities
-Fungal Rash

-Frequent Cold and flu
-Sensitivities to food

-Inability to lose weight
-Water retention
-Weight loss

-Head aches
-Heart palpitations
-Chronic body pain or joint pain
-Muscle aches/stiffness

Candida on tongue

Candida, like Lyme is often misdiagnosed as IBS, Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Diaper Rash, Athlete's Foot, Crohn's Disease, and Gastroenteritis

So, how does one treat Candida? Depending on whom you ask, the answer varies. 

Some believe the answers lie in diet, and others will tell you it lies in medicine. 

My doctor is currently testing me for Candida, and I am placing myself on the very strict and ever unpopular Candida diet. 

I am also advised to be on Jarro Dophilis, Alcornea tincture and Nystatin.

On a personal note, I almost wonder how many people walk around in their day to day lives misdiagnosed by traditional doctors and ill treated, when they really just have severe cases of yeast build up or gut issues?

Do our American diets make us sick and crazy, and then have the healthcare system leave our problems overlooked and blame it on other things and then be prescribed medication, only making us sicker and crazier, when all we would essentially need is to change our diets??

The possibility of that is horrifying.

Considering all of the backwards direction from traditional doctors that I have personally experienced on this journey so far, that attempted to lead me to be ill for the rest of my life and then tell me I'm crazy, I do not put it past them. The health care system is a mess. You can't even trust your own doctors.


Urgent Message for the Lyme community

TWO CHILDREN in Alabama were just apprehended by Child Services and placed in separate foster homes because their mother was treating one of the boys for Lyme disease. A 'fill in' doctor at the pediatrician's office stated to the mother, who took her boy there because of ear troubles that 'Lyme disease is the new cult and that treating this child for Lyme is child abuse.' he went on to say that he will do everything in his power to have the children taken from the mother and that she was doing this for attention. Last night, police and child services arrived to her home. Her 6 and 7 yr old boys were taken away from her. Child services would not allow the children to even go stay with family. They have given her very little information on what to do, and had not even done an investigation prior to apprehending the children.